Abortionist Morganthaler to get honorary doctorate: please sign petition against!

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Dear “whoever”

How can a person of your position be so blinded by what you are doing? Surely pop-culture is below tricking you into believing that life begins at an arbitrary point beyond conception.

Your glorifcation of henry morgentaler (who betrays his hypocratic oath and deserves no capital letters) is wrong and, as you’ve noticed, is causing an outcry of protest. It’s hard to admit you are wrong, especailly being at the top, but you must take the right path. Stregth is shown in the admission fo wrong and can only make you stronger. Do the right thing, despite your spiritual beliefs (or lack of).

Thank you everybody for your interest and your action so far.

William VanDoodewaard at University of Western Ontario has met with his team and they have come up with two ways in which non-Canadians can contribute to preventing an honorary doctorate from being awarded to Dr Henry Morgenthaler, the renowned abortionist.

10 000 Canadian signatures first; then non-Canadian signatures

The uwo protest team’s goal is to get 10 000 Canadian signatures on their petition in the space of one week and then open it up to non-Canadians. It is the Federal Government and Alumnae who fund the university and those two partners will want to be hearing from Canadian nationals. Michael and his team fully recognize the advantage of exerting overwhelming international pressure, but also have to respond to the mind-set of the financiers and convince them that ‘governance’ has been respected.

Nonetheless, Michael and his team recognize that the Culture of Life cannot and should not be delimited by international borders. Therefore when the 10 000 ceiling has been reached – or in the event that they feel they cannot achieve their goal in the time frame – then they will open it up to non-Canadians at which time we can contact Hannity and absolutely deluge the petition page. I will advise you all as soon as the petition page is opened to non-Canadians again.

President of Notre Dame University in the U.S. also to be awarded honorary doctorate by University of Western Ontario Senate

At the 285th Convocation, Rev Malloy, President of Notre Dame (technically a Catholic University), will also be awarded an honorary doctorate at the same time as Dr Henry Morgenthaler, the abortionist.

Now Western is likely to say that the award is by virtue of King’s College and Brescia College, but that’s dissembling. All awards are approved by the Senate of Western.

This now is fully an American Catholic issue and we can go fult tilt boogey woogie at this.

It is recommended that letters go to Rev Malloy explaining his responsibility as a role model for Catholic teaching which includes the Culture of Life.

**It is recommended that letters also go to the following: **

the Board of Governors of Notre Dame;

Priests for Life U.S.A. and Fr Pavone in particular (with a view to getting this issue into the press);

the Catholic League

Hannity and all pro-life media

Catholic government representatives.

The goals of this American initiative are as follows:

a) Get Malloy to decline publicaly the honorary doctorate in protest of the same being awarded to an abortionist.

b) Get this story and the question of abortion onto every talk show in the country (U.S.).

The Canadian press have refused to cover this story. But once it hits the front pages in the U.S., the Canadian press will be obliged to cover it.

Now, Lisa4Catholics, do you still have the email addresses for media etc?
WELL I AM SIGNED ON THIS PETITION. How can any one think that abortion is in any way normal ? An murder cannot be honorable and we need to stop the idea that normalizing such an act of terror would give the horror of Aucshwitz a Pulitzer Prize! JW
Thanks everyone.

For the time being this current thread is for Canadian action. When the petition opens up at 10 000 signatures, then Americans are invited to sign.

Americans are asked to help out here:


On that thread please ask Rev Malloy (president of an American Catholic university) to decline his Doctor of Laws in protest against abortion and in protest against the offer of the same award to abortionist Dr Henry Morgentaler. Ani.
“Morgentaler has furthered women’s rights” so reads tonight’s letter to the editor by an honors political science student at the UWO in response to an earlier letter by a pro-lifer whom she suggested was uninformed, naive and lacking in understanding of the reasons for the distinction being awarded Morgentaler. All the falsehoods were lined up like ducks in a row.
#1. Male dominance determining a woman’s fate.
#2. High risk of injury or death to a woman during childbirth.
#3. The right of a woman to make decisions about “her own body.”
#4. Rape.
#5. Lack of financial resources.
#6. Unsanitary conditions of back-alley abortions.
#7. Poor, lower class women suffer discrimination while more wealthy are privileged with access to abortion.
#8. Countless suicides of women forced to carry unwanted children.
After this breathtaking spew of “facts” she concluded with a quote from the Chief Justice of the Canadian Supreme Court, “Forcing a woman, by threat of criminal sanction, to carry a foetus to term unless she meets certain criteria unrelated to her own principles and aspirations, is a profound interference with a woman’s body and thus a violation of security of the person.”
The Observer accepts letters to the editor to a maximum of 500 words. It is a smaller paper in Ontario close to London and while the larger papers are reluctant to publish letters to the editor this paper is very generous in accepting entries even from out-of-towners. E-mail: editorial@theobserver.ca
I have already had published a letter recently about Dr. Morgantaler so maybe someone else wants to reply to this budding political scientist at the University of Western Ontario, Canada.
Thanks Rosalinda.

The Bishop of the Diocese of London (where Western is) is Bishop Fabbro.

The website containing the petition to retract the offer of the honorary doctorate to Dr Morgentaler needs opinions of notable people. An opinion from Bishop Fabbro about what is happening in his own diocese would be very helpful.

Why not write Bishop Fabbro and ask him to send an opinion to

William VanDoodewaard BA '96 (Western)
Western Alumni Against Honouring Morgentaler and UWOProtest.com

Bishop Fabbro can be reached at: rpickersgill@rcec.london.on.ca
I just received word from Priests for Life Canada that the National Catholic Register is publishing a letter from The Most Reverend
Ronald Peter Fabbro, C.S.B., Bishop of the Diocese of London (where UWO is) Ontario. This letter is addressed to President Davenport. Here is the link:


Some excerpts:

“The decision of the University of Western Ontario to confer an honorary doctorate on Dr. Henry Morgentaler is inconceivable and appalling to me.”

“By granting its highest honour to Dr. Morgentaler, the University of Western chooses to recognize a man who has spent his life advocating that women in Canada have easy access to abortion. Now, he seems to be promoting abortion as a legitimate way for society to reduce crime and poverty, in other words, as a form of eugenics…We live in a society in which the killing of the unborn has now become ingrained in the very fabric of our culture.”


“I join with our two colleges affiliated with Western, King’s and Brescia, as well as many others in our community and beyond, in expressing my very strong objections to the decision to confer an honorary degree on Dr. Morgentaler.”

This letter is very important to Catholics. Bishop Fabbro has exercised decisive, responsible, and compassionate leadership. This encourages us down here in the trenches. Those of you who would like to thank him, here some email addresses:



Here is his website:


Those of you who would like to thank him publicly can write a letter to the editor of the National Catholic Register here:

Email: editor@circlemedia.com

Please write your letters folks! And then post here so that we can be inspired by your enterprising spirit! Ani.
This is my letter to the Canadian National Register.

"Thank you for publishing the entire letter by Bishop Fabbro decrying the decision of the University of Western Ontario to award a doctor of laws degree to Henry Morgentaler. The language had just the right tone and spoke the clear, unvarnished truth.
In the words of the late Great John Paul II voiced on Nov.13, 2004, I "appeal once again in an urgent manner to all people of good will, especially government leaders and legislators, to have an elevated awareness and humanity so that all human life is protected, especially that of the weakest, the smallest and the poorest, and to stop all actions aimed at eliminating conceived and unborn children, who are defenseless, with man
thus making himself the master of life."
University presidents and professors should learn a lesson from JPII. Sadly, they corrupt the minds of young students entrusted to their tutelage. Anyone who does not know life begins at conception cannot claim to be educated. Ignorant of the natural law inscribed on their hearts they neither know from
whom they came nor where they are going. Even more, it attests to an institute which no longer searches for unbiased, immutable, absolute truth but contents itself to indoctrinate all with the latest secular state propaganda."
**Rosalinda: great letter! Thank you. 🙂 **

Thanks to people’s efforts here at CA and likely thanks to Bishop Fabbro’s bold letter, the Canadian media is finally taking an interest in this situation. Here is an update:


**"Thursday, 28 April 2005 5:22pm **

With well over 5500 voices of protest on our petition, we have sent out a new round of media releases. Thanks again to all of you who are working hard on spreading the word of our grassroots movement. Keep it up.

In other news, we are encouraged to receive word that a major international campaign is under way to have Rev. Edward A. Malloy, President of Notre Dame University publicly refuse his honourary doctorate from Western, if Western does not reverse its decision to honour Canada’s leading abortionist, Henry Morgentaler, at this same convocation.

As we noted, there are millions in America, and around the world who support our stance; this may well be the ace that turns the tide. If what we are hearing comes through, there will be international media coverage coming to bring light on our situation; UWOProtest.com serves as a valuable documentary of public outrage here in Canada.

Once again, we publicly ask Western to reverse its decision, to consider and respond to the growing protest of those who are outraged and deeply offended by its planned action to grant an honourary doctorate to Henry Morgentaler at its 285th convocation ceremonies in June 2005. As Western alumni, students, faculty, staff, and friends, we are committed to continuing our campaign to have this reversed."

Very likely Western has awarded honorary doctorates to Catholic clergy in Canada. If someone could google that and post it up here, then we could email those clergy and ask them to comment publicly. That would keep the momentum going in the media.

Western and Notre Dame are not going to do anything unless the media calls them on their normalization of abortion: Western by offering the award to Morgentaler and Notre Dame by allowing Rev Malloy to accept his award. Thanks folks. Ani.
This just in from Western alumni:


**"Friday, 29 April 2005 12:06pm **
Two further breakthroughs in the past 24 hours: Herman Goodden in his column in today’s London Free Press draws fresh attention to the growing momentum of our protest movement. Bishop Ronald Fabbro of the London diocese of the Roman Catholic Church has issued a public statement of protest against the decision to honour Morgentaler. There is no doubt that things are happening.

News is also out that the University of Western Ontario is losing millions worth of donations and funding because of the decision (the donation and matching funding loss from one donor alone being over $4 million). Keep spreading the word about our petition – we are having an impact! And we’ve really only just begun…!"
Here is a phone number which people can dial.
519- 661-2111

When you get through, ask for the direct line through

Then leave a message saying that you believe President Davenport should respectfully retract his offer to award Dr Morgentaler an honorary doctorate.

On line, you can contact the Senate’s Honorary Degree Committee.
Here’s my letter to the committee at Western University. Feel free to copy and paste.

Dear Members of the Senate’s Honorary Degree Committee:

I request your nomination of Dr. Henry Morgentaler for an honorary doctor of laws degree be withdrawn. As a woman and a pro-life feminist it is a strange idea that a man who has built his notorious career on the exploitation of women at a time when they are most vulnerable is to be recognized as the poster boy of women’s rights. The advent of abortion has undermined the
very dignity of women by its failure to recognize the fundamental
characteristic of their potential to participate in the very creation of new life.

No doctor, engineer, architect or artist will ever create anything which can approach this awesome power of giving life to a unique human person which is destined to survive even death by virtue of its immortal soul. No bridge, no skyscraper, no cathedral and no work of art - even should it endure thousands of years - can approximate the accomplishment, beauty and innate gifts of a single newborn child.

It requires breathtaking arrogance and stupidity to deliberately seek out and destroy this new human life in the act of abortion. Every such act is a grave loss and impoverishment of the entire human family. Moreover, courageous women, in the thousands, have come forward with their documented
testimonies to express their regret and sorrow for having suffered an abortion. Witness Rachel’s Project, Priests for Life, Silent No More…

Your university in promulgating the lie that abortion extends a women’s freedom. To the contrary, this lie contributes to the self-destruction of women and to lifetimes feeled with regret and self-loathing. Whatever the difficult circumstances, once the baby is dead there is no hope because it is life itself which brings the gift of hope.
Very good letter, Rosalinda. Thank you for posting it here.

King’s College, where Rev Malloy is being offered his honorary Doctor of Laws, is Catholic. Dr Killan, the President of King’s, just doesn’t get it. He insists that Rev Malloy should come. He thinks that Rev Malloy will make us feel better by giving a speech about ‘our values.’

Ha! We are supposed to believe what he says or the complete lack of action on his part or on Rev Malloy’s part. Rev Malloy is also President of a Catholic University – Notre Dame. This whole controversy has given ample window of opportunity for Malloy, a Catholic educator, to give press conferences on his opposition to abortion and on alternatives to abortion. Has he done that? No!

I can’t hear what they are saying or not saying anymore. I can only see what they are doing or not doing. Why should we let them off the hook? Do they think it is easy for us to be Catholics out here in the secular world? It’s horrible! Some leadership would be nice. Well duh! They are leaders! Are they leading us? Sure: straight over a cliff to our demise by a secular press who is just grinning with glee at the mere prospect of photo-ops and news clips with Dr Morgentaler.

No no no! What I need to see is a weekly press release from Malloy and from Killan against abortion and for alternative treatment plans.

I need to see the King’s convocation moved off-campus completely to a notable Catholic site.

And frankly I need to know that Bishop Fabbro has vetted Malloy’s acceptance speech and that that speech demonstrates moral authority by what it says and by the sacrificial struggle with which Malloy has engaged in good conscience to say it.

When all those things are in place, then I will be good with Malloy accepting the award. But not before. There is far too much at stake. However, if Killan and Malloy continue the way they are going why should we not ask that the archdiocese (I guess that would be good old Cardinal Ambrozic) disacknowledge their colleges as Catholic institutions, just the way Marymount Manhattan College was? Here is the link:

Dr Gerald Killan is the Principal of King’s College at University of Western Ontario. King’s is a Catholic college. But whoah! This Dr Killan is beginning to sound a little heterodox to me. Listen to this:

"When asked by the interviewer if students were expecting a Catholic education, Dr. Killan interrupted saying, 'Nobody does that.” When pressed further about the catholicity of his position, he replied: 'Don’t tell me Catholics think…’. The Catholic Church’s position is this (pro-life, pro-traditional marriage). But Catholics are listening to a lot of things.”

“Killan had no qualms about his position, when asked about it. ‘Even if I got 200 calls, I wouldn’t intervene to stop a legitimate speaker on a legitimate topic.” Faithful Catholic institutions generally consider that pro-abortion speakers are not “legitimate speakers,’ no matter what topic they are speaking on.”


The ‘legimate speaker’ about whom Dr Killan is speaking is Jack Layton, leader of the Federal New Democrat Party (socialist). Mr Layton is militantly pro-abortion.

Dr. Killan can be contacted with comments at:

**519-433-3491 **

**1-800-265-4406 **


Let’s phone or email him folks and explain to him that as long as he refuses to compromise about inviting a pro-abortion speaking such as Jack Layton to the King’s convocation and as long as he refuses to compromise about inviting Rev Malloy to accept the same award being given to Dr Morgentaler, then you refuse to compromise in asking Cardinal Ambrozic to disacknowledge King’s College as a Catholic institution, just like Marymount Manhatten College in New York. In fact, while you’re at it, you may consider asking that Notre Dame be disacknowledged as well. Thanks, Ani.
Here is a very strong letter from Ron Gray, National Leader of the Christian Heritage Party. Here is the link, but it is in the public domain so I am copying it below.


Protest to UWO today re Morgentaler honors

http://www.chp.ca/homepage/images/morgentaler.jpg **Ron Gray April 21, 2005 **
Protest to UWO today re Morgentaler honors

Many supporters and alumni of the University of Western Ontario are – rightly – gravely offended by the University’s decision to award an honorary degree to one of Canada’s worst offenders against the right to life provisions of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms: the notorious abortionist Henry Morgentaler.

Morgentaler has become wealthy by participating in and promoting the silent holocaust that has snuffed out the lives of more than two million Canadian babies.

Here is a copy of the letter I sent to UWO; you may wish to add your own letter of protest. For more information, visit:

Mr. Paul Davenport, President and Vice-Chancellor
University of Western Ontario,
Suite 2, 1151 Richmond Street,
London ON,
N6A 5B8 April 5,

2005 Dear Mr. Davenport,

I was distressed to learn that the University of Western Ontario plans to award an honorary degree to the notorious abortionist, Henry Morgentaler. It would take a great deal of space for me to write, and a great deal of your time for you to read, all my objections to this award; but if I condense my reasons, I hope and pray that you’ll take the time to read and evaluate them.

Canada, like most of the nations in the developed world, faces a serious crisis of under-population in the decades ahead, according to the United Nations. http:// www.un.org/esa/population/unpop.htm Abortion and contraception are significant contributors to this trend.

But even more important, every abortion is the deliberate killing of an innocent human being. We will never know how many artists, scientists, philosophers, philanthropists, and teachers have had their lives snuffed out by men like Henry Morgentaler. Why? Because they were conceived at an inconvenient time or in inconvenient circumstances.

To impose a death sentence on an innocent child, merely for the “crime” of being inconvenient, reduces the intrinsic value of every human life.

Furthermore, there is strong and growing evidence that abortion drastically increases the mother’s risk of breast cancer and serious psychological disturbance. It is surely a grave violation of the Hippocratic Oath’s pledge to “do no harm” to terminate a pregnancy when such risks are known to be present.

Dr. Morgentaler once said, “If I thought it was a baby, I wouldn’t do an abortion.” The medical evidence that the fetus is a distinct human life—it has its own unique genetic code, and in half the cases, even its gender is different than the mother’s—is so powerful that such a statement can only reflect willful ignorance. It is questionable whether someone who remains willfully ignorant of the medical facts in his field should even be allowed to practice medicine, let alone be honored by one of Canada’s finest universities.

Please reverse this odious decision. It can only offend a large number of the University’s potential friends and supporters.


Ronald O. Gray,
National Leader
Christian Heritage Party of Canada
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