About family planning

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This seems very charitable of you. If I were to take your example of a Catholic I would think they are all mean and spiteful if someone disagrees with them. However, I know many Catholics who are not so judgmental. They practice what they believe and accept that others may feel differently.

You can challenge my “manhood” all you wish. It does not affect me because I am not concerned with how others view me. I am not your typical “macho male” that must prove himself. You can call me a woman for all I care.
Take a chill pill dude. Just having a little fun with your post. Hey it’s Friday. Besides your post was obviously an uncaritable comment on your part considering you know what the RCC teaches and what Catholics believe in regards to this. Puleeez, spare me your innocent act:rolleyes: . I am sure you knew exactly the type of response you would get.

I just get a kick out of a man saying how easy it is for him to do “family planning” when his wife is on the pill.

It is true. I do have more respect for a man who works with his wife and takes an active role in “family planning”. It is called “responsibility”.

I have to laugh when I think of a friend of mine whose girl friend got pregnant while using a diaphram. He blamed her for getting pregnant, LOL. Fifteen years later he has a wonderful son that he loves to pieces. But, fifteen years ago he was more then willing to have this son aborted.
I just get a kick out of a man saying how easy it is for him to do “family planning” when his wife is on the pill.
If it makes you feel any better I plan on having a vasectomy after we have two children. If that is not sharing the responsibility then I do not know what is.

I also do not see how stating the truth about the form of BC my wife and I choose is uncharitable.
1.One (whom I adore 🙂 )
2. Wanted at least 4 but am borderline heart failure so it would be too dangerous to get pregnant again
3. Natural family planning (sympto-thermo). Used it nearly nine years. Don’t let anyone tell you it doesn’t work.
If it makes you feel any better I plan on having a vasectomy after we have two children. If that is not sharing the responsibility then I do not know what is.

I also do not see how stating the truth about the form of BC my wife and I choose is uncharitable.
LOL, same thing my friend did. But, in his case he did not stay married. Sure makes it easier on single guy, that’s for sure.

Well, obviously you don’t care what Catholics believe regarding family planning so I won’t go into how wrong vasectomies are. Compared to abortion I would say it is the lesser of the two evils. Good Luck!😉
I have two children, and we lost two to miscarriage. However, I can’t tell you we would have had more children had the miscarriages not come between the births of our children. It makes me sad to admit that because if things had worked out differently, I would never know the delightful son who is resting downstairs.

We now believe we should have had more children. But we were selfish and did things our way, mostly so my wife could keep working. After I became Catholic, we learned NFP. We started our marriage on the Pill, but that was not easy on my wife. She suffered from some side effects. We switched methods but now I wish we had learned NFP sooner because it would have made our wonderful marriage better. Bless all of you out there using NFP.
i just need to get these answered:
  1. how many children do you have?
  2. why (do you have that much number of children)? would you like more?
  3. what method of family planning do you use? or describe your way of family planning…
please…please…i will be very grateful for your answers!
Here goes:
  1. None yet.
  2. God has not yet seen fit to bless us with children. We would like at least three.
  3. We are not using any form of family planning. We have studied NFP so that I always know where I am in my cycle, but the charting to try and achieve a pregnancy was starting to put stress on our lives. I was previously on the pill but stopped using it for various moral and health reasons.
I could see why you would be upset by my response to this thread if the original poster had asked for only Catholic points of view, but he did not. I have no agenda here if that is what you are looking for, I simply enjoy exchanging ideas and beliefs. Besides, from what I have read the majority of Catholics use ABC, so clearly not all Catholics disagree with me.
Sorry to disappoint you, but I never suggested I was upset. Just was wondering why someone with no faith would be drawn to “exchanging ideas” on a website desigend to support and reinforce a very traditional and absolute belief system.
  1. None yet.
  2. We want 10-12 children. We love kids. We’re quite open to adoptions if the kids don’t come naturally.
  3. Natural family planning (sympto-thermal). It can be used for both getting pregnant or avoiding pregnancy, which is great.
i just need to get these answered:
  1. how many children do you have?
  1. why (do you have that much number of children)? would you like more?
Don’t want more. It was a compromise with my wife. She wanted 3 and I wanted 1.
  1. what method of family planning do you use? or describe your way of family planning…
During the marriage mostly IUD. Since mostly Depo. I’m considering a vasectomy.
please…please…i will be very grateful for your answers!
No problem but I’m not Catholic so you may not want to include my answers in your data.
Island Oak:
Sorry to disappoint you, but I never suggested I was upset. Just was wondering why someone with no faith would be drawn to “exchanging ideas” on a website desigend to support and reinforce a very traditional and absolute belief system.
Despite what you may think, I never wished to upset you. You’ll have to forgive me, I minored in Political Science. I am always looking for a good debate, not an argument, but a debate. I always try to respect the rules of the forums I visit, which includes many different ones. I do not see why a differing opinion is such a bad thing… It’s the spice of life.
  1. I have 3 children.
  2. I have those children because God put a strong desire in us to cooperate with him in creating a new, immortal soul. Yes, we would LOVE more, but I have health problems and we may not be able to have many more biological children. We plan to adopt anyway, though.
  3. I am a sympto-thermal NFP teacher through Northwest Family Services. So we use NFP.
We do not use contraceptives because we do not want to stand in front of Jesus and explain why we rejected the all-natural, built-in, highly effective form of family planning he gave to us for a man-made, inferior, less effective, and unhealthy substitute.
I could see why you would be upset by my response to this thread if the original poster had asked for only Catholic points of view, but he did not. I have no agenda here if that is what you are looking for, I simply enjoy exchanging ideas and beliefs. Besides, from what I have read the majority of Catholics use ABC, so clearly not all Catholics disagree with me.
The majority of Catholics would say Satan is just a myth, so I wouldn’t go with the “majority rule” on this one. Or anything, for that matter.
Despite what you may think, I never wished to upset you. You’ll have to forgive me, I minored in Political Science. I am always looking for a good debate, not an argument, but a debate. I always try to respect the rules of the forums I visit, which includes many different ones. I do not see why a differing opinion is such a bad thing… It’s the spice of life.
Neither do most of us (esp. those of us who majored in Poli Sci) Welcome and let the debates begin!
The majority of Catholics would say Satan is just a myth, so I wouldn’t go with the “majority rule” on this one. Or anything, for that matter.
I respectfully disagree with you.
  1. None - have been married for only 4 months
  2. As many as I can handle. My brother has 5 so I have long way to go.
  3. NFP and only NFP. A husband and a wife are to be one body, but how can you be ‘one body’ where all kind of barriers and pills and so are between the two? Also, it is a such amazing feeling when I realized that by being open to life we are taking part in God’s process of creation.
    Also I do recommend two books, both by John Paul II - ‘Love and Responsibility’ and ‘Theology of the Body’. Simply amazing.
  1. 6 living, 2 in God’s care
  2. This is how many we have been given.
  3. For the first 20 years of our marriage, none at all. We are now half heartedly using NFP (sympto-thermal) because I had a difficult miscarriage last year and am now in my mid forties. We are still open to God’s holy will.
    Read Christopher West’s Theology of the Body for Beginners. It is mind blowing stuff. It will truly deepen your understanding of marriage and the purpose of sex.
i would just like to say a big thank you to all your responses! it makes my homework easier to understand…we’re actually studying about the issue between natural methods against contraceptives (though being from a Catholic school, we are taught both in Health class and Religion class of the immorality of using contraceptives)…so anyway, i just dropped by to check on the responses–surprise! surprise! i didn’t expect so many answers :clapping: --thank you all and God Bless!
1 - I have 3 children 19, 17, 15

2 - Exactly what we wanted

3 - I’ve had a vasectomy.

I am Catholic but I don’t believe that this world can support as many lives as the people who live here can make. I know the idea that God will never let the earth to be so overpopulated that the earth can’t support them. I also am quite sure that God didn’t want the ozone layer to be depleted, the rain forests to be depleted, people to be starving, water to be polluted, etc. This is man made and man has to take responsibility. The first step is to make our resources last.

Fire Away!!
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