
Take a chill pill dude. Just having a little fun with your post. Hey it’s Friday. Besides your post was obviously an uncaritable comment on your part considering you know what the RCC teaches and what Catholics believe in regards to this. Puleeez, spare me your innocent actThis seems very charitable of you. If I were to take your example of a Catholic I would think they are all mean and spiteful if someone disagrees with them. However, I know many Catholics who are not so judgmental. They practice what they believe and accept that others may feel differently.
You can challenge my “manhood” all you wish. It does not affect me because I am not concerned with how others view me. I am not your typical “macho male” that must prove himself. You can call me a woman for all I care.

I just get a kick out of a man saying how easy it is for him to do “family planning” when his wife is on the pill.
It is true. I do have more respect for a man who works with his wife and takes an active role in “family planning”. It is called “responsibility”.
I have to laugh when I think of a friend of mine whose girl friend got pregnant while using a diaphram. He blamed her for getting pregnant, LOL. Fifteen years later he has a wonderful son that he loves to pieces. But, fifteen years ago he was more then willing to have this son aborted.