The following is from
The truth about Contraception
*Contraception, the deliberate action of using a condom, taking “the pill”, or other barrier devices and abortifacients to render the conception of a child impossible, is Gravely sinful.
WHOA! Is that so?! YES! The Catechism of the Catholic Church tells us so in paragraph 2370: “Every action…to render procreation impossible is intrinsically evil.”
Contraception is opposed to TRUE LOVE, because true love in a marriage gives TOTALLY of oneself, including fertility. True love created life and nurtures it. Ultimately, contraception is the selfish use of a marriage partners body for pleasure and the refusal to be open to God’s creative will. This is an abuse of our sexuality which is designed to create children and to foster intimacy in the marriage.
Check it out! This has been the constant Catholic Church teaching since the time of Christ. Yet, even well-known Protestant detested Contraception. Martin Luther called it “More atrocious than incest or adultery…a sodomitic sin,” and Calvin regarded it as a form of homicide!
Virtually all Christian religious believed contraception was immoral for 19 centuries until the Anglican Church allowed it in the 1930! Most other Christian religions soon followed. However, the Catholic Church reinforced the immorality of contraception three times this century through papal encyclicals in 1930, 1968, & 1981.
In cases where there’s a serious reason for married couples to space births, Natural Family Planning is morally acceptable, because it respects God’s natural creative order and the dignity of persons.
(RADIX, Inc. PO BOX 29612, Lincoln, Nebraska 68529)*