Abp. Chaput: Sex abuse crisis has left laity, priests, bishops ‘angry’ with Rome | News | LifeSite
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We live in a time when more and more of life is put up for sale. Young people today often use the term “frenemy,” a contraction of friend and enemy. It’s a revealing word. It reflects the fact that so much of their lives is consumed in the struggle for a foothold in our hyper-competitive system. Nearly all relations are becoming transactional, including sex. The fact that the Church isn’t finally “selling” anything is a powerful witness to the truth that life is about more than getting, and getting, and getting. Instead, in a fully human life, the deepest satisfaction comes from giving.
Our age, like every age, lives in fear of death. For all of its noisy confidence, the world whispers a relentless lie in our ears: “Death has final authority.” In the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, God shows his power in a full and final way, and the lie is smashed. This gives us an extraordinary freedom, for in the promise of eternal life through Christ, the claims which principalities and powers make upon our lives are shattered. When death is deprived of its sting, those who follow Jesus can risk anything, venture everything.
He has done more than his predecessors. In fact, more abuse and cover ups in the news today happened under St. JPII and Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI than did Pope Francis. I’m not sure they did anything substantial to address it like Pope Francis has.Pope Francis has been remiss in his duty as our Pope to more stridently address the issue