Academic Bill of Rights

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Liberal Boston Globe columnist Ellen Goodman used her recent column to warn her Democratic comrades: The conservatives aren’t moving to get control of the Supreme Court, they’re focusing instead on liberal college campuses.

Goodman writes that she is mystified over the efforts of David Horowitz and his conservative colleagues to create a balance in the now lopsided campus political atmosphere.

In her column, even Goodman produces these statistics unchallenged:
  • A survey of 1,000 academics shows that there are seven Democrats for every Republican in the humanities and social sciences. The Democrat-Republican balance is 30-to-1 in anthropology and even 3-to-1 in economics.
  • A study of voter registration records shows that Democrats outnumber Republicans 9-to-1 on the faculties of Berkeley and Stanford.
  • The Center for Responsive Politics reports that the biggest donors to John Kerry’s campaign were employees from the University of California and Harvard.
Don’t bother me with the facts, Goodman jauntily suggests.

Goodman writes these statistics “don’t actually prove that one-party faculties color the classrooms blue. Nor do they prove that students are being wooed leftward.”


What about the well-documented case of students all across the nation’s campuses who can’t get passing grades if they fail to toe the liberal line laid down by their professors?

Or the continuous stories of conservatives academics who can’t get jobs or have to hide their political views to get tenure?

Moreover, in Goodman’s mind these solid proofs of extreme liberal domination of America’s campus don’t justify any attempts to correct the shocking imbalance, which she seems to regard as the natural order of things that ought not be disturbed by the likes of Horowitz and company.

What she does find unnatural are conservative efforts to dismantle the educational elites’ dominant liberal establishment.

“While many of us assume that the right is busily targeting the highest court as their last unoccupied power base, a whole subset of conservatives is after higher education,” Goodman says.

She reports the frightening fact that that conservative groups put some $20 million every year into campus politics and publications, adding that while obviously humanitarian “liberal students may organize against sweatshops and sneakers,” conservatives, by implication, ignore the poor and downtrodden and spend their time and money organizing against campus liberalism.

She reveals that David Horowitz has been pushing an “‘academic bill of rights’ aimed at what is called liberal bias,” which she seems to have forgotten that she herself amply demonstrated by reciting several studies.
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