Here’s another scenario related to this subject for you: Can living in certain places be considered a sin due to an increased risk to life?
- Especially today, when we don’t all need to live close to the water to sustain our lives, is living close to the water’s edge, say, for the beauty of the area, a sin because doing so leads to increased risk to life due to the possibility of flooding?
- Is living in an area of volcanic activity such as the Big Island in Hawai’i or on Sicily near Mt. Aetna or under the shadow of Mt. Vesuvius simply because of the beauty of these places to be considered sinful because oft he increased risk of volcanic eruptions that could result in loss of life? What about living on land even formed by previous volcanic activity because there is some risk of such areas at some point coming out of their dormancy? (I’m thinking again of Hawai’i and, specifically, those who live in the crater of Diamond Head on O’ahu. …Yes, there are people who liver there. I’ve seen it myself.)
- Is living in an area more prone to earthquakes sinful because of risk (albeit low) of loss of life?
In any of these scenarios, are the beauty of a place, the desire to not have to relocate or the love of the community built in these places good enough reasons to risk one’s life in the eyes of the Church?
Obviously, I know that, if we were to avoid all these places, mankind (or, at least, Christians) would likely have to do mass re-location and the world could get a lot more crowded. Indeed, whole nations would have to be uprooted? So, is living in one place listed above acceptable while living in another is not? Or, would God consider any such thing too impractical and, thus, not necessary?
Or, rather, is it acceptable to live in any of these places? If so, why, as it seems we are putting unnecessary risk on our lives? Are the “risk to life” statements of the Church grounded in any way on the “amount” of risk versus “any risk at all”? Or, rather, if there is “any” unnecessary risk to life, is any such risk to be avoided?