Accepted As Diocesan Hermit

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I cannot contain my great joy!
This is a process that has been approx 7-8 yrs in the making.
My bishop has accepted me as a candidate for diocesan hermit and I will be making my temporay profession of vows later in the fall.

Thanks be to God!

I have to confess I have never heard of this. What exactly is a diocesan hermit?

I have to confess I have never heard of this. What exactly is a diocesan hermit?
A diocesan hermit is a canonically (i.e., publicly) professed and consecrated hermit living primarily under Canon 603 of the 1983 Code of Canon Law (other canons also apply but Canon 603 defines the fundamental vocation of the diocesan hermit). Accordinaly s/he writes his/her own Rule of Life, has that approved by his/her Bishop, and lives his or her life according to that Rule and under the supervision of the diocesan Bishop who is the hermit’s legitimate superior. (Bishops may also appoint or have the hermit select a delegate who may serve as a kind of superior for everyday matters, and who can assist in communications between the hermit and his/her Bishop.) Because his/her vows are public the hermit lives his/her life and exercises appropriate ministries in the name of the Church. Unlike lay hermits s/he may therefore wear a habit as a sign of both the rights and responsibilities which are part of eremitical consecration. For liturgical functions the cowl is more and more the typical garment of the perpetually professed hermit. In either case (habit or cowl) the hermit adopts particular garb only with the approval or wishes of the diocesan Bishop.

Canon 603 defines the life as a vowed contemplative life of “the silence of solitude,” assiduous prayer and penance, and stricter separation from the world — all lived for the praise of God and the salvation of the world (this last element ensures the positive nature of the vocation and disallows misanthropy, or other self-centered motives). Each term has an essential or non-negotiable meaning but the way each hermit embodies the life is unique. The Canon is both demanding and flexible. One who lives in accordance with it can live a life of complete reclusion (one end of the eremitical spectrum) or a life involving some very limited ministry outside the hermitage (the other end of the eremitical spectrum) as contemplative life spills over into this service as well. (Note well, this is still and must remain a contemplative, eremitical life; it is not active or apostolic and the hermit’s primary work and ministry is that of prayer in the silence of solitude!) Despite its flexibility, some daily practices tend to be fairly universal, the praying of the Divine Office, Lectio Divina, Contemplative prayer, Eucharist (C 603 hermits are ordinarily allowed to reserve the Eucharist in their hermitages), manual and intellectual labor, etc.

The life of the diocesan hermit is the life of a solitary hermit, not one living in community, but some suggest that diocesan hermits may come together in lauras for mutual support and encouragement (this is not an explicit part of Canon 603 itself, however, and some disagree with its allowance). Because of the solitary nature of the C 603 vocation, the hermit’s main community of support is primarily the parish and secondarily, the diocese. S/he will also live her contemplative solitude and the fruits of that solitude FOR these communities in a more specific and recognizable or formal way than would either a hermit living in community (a religious hermit) or a lay hermit, for instance.

While diocesan hermits may live from and reflect any spiritual tradition (Carmelite, Camaldolese, Benedictine, Franciscan, Dominican, etc) their primary identity and charism (i.e., their gift-quality to the church and world) is as diocesan. It is their presence within and commitmment to the local church that is the basis for the unique charism of the diocesan hermit. For this reason some diocesan hermits in a number of countries have, with their Bishop’s permission, adopted the initials Erem Dio or Er Dio (Eremita Dioecesanus) rather than some other form of initials which can be mistaken for the post-nomial initials of a particular Order or congregation. The practice is not universal, but it reflects a recent development in the appreciation of the nature and importance of the diocesan hermit to the Church and World.


Very good! You’re blessed and are an asset to the church!

There’s a very strong part of me that just wants to be let alone for contemplation.
Deo gratias! Praying for you and wishing you every blessing and grace. 🙂


O most beautiful Flower of Mount Carmel, Fruitful Vine, Splendor of Heaven,
who brought forth the Son of God, still remaining a Virgin, assist us in this necessity.
O Star of the Sea, help us, and show us that you are our Mother.

O Holy Mary, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven and earth, I humbly ask you from the depths of my heart to help in this necessity. There are none who can withstand your power.
O show us that you are our Mother.

O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to you.
Sweet Mother, I place this cause in your hands. Amen
Thanks be to God!

I would love to be left alone with my thoughts and my prayers for contemplation. That would be wonderful!

God bless you!
Are you really in Florida?

I know of another person who is just about to go meet with their bishop regarding the same matter. I sent them the link to this thread.

A diocesan hermit is a canonically (i.e., publicly) professed and consecrated hermit living primarily under Canon 603 of the 1983 Code of Canon Law (other canons also apply but Canon 603 defines the fundamental vocation of the diocesan hermit). Accordinaly s/he writes his/her own Rule of Life, has that approved by his/her Bishop, and lives his or her life according to that Rule and under the supervision of the diocesan Bishop who is the hermit’s legitimate superior. (Bishops may also appoint or have the hermit select a delegate who may serve as a kind of superior for everyday matters, and who can assist in communications between the hermit and his/her Bishop.) Because his/her vows are public the hermit lives his/her life and exercises appropriate ministries in the name of the Church. Unlike lay hermits s/he may therefore wear a habit as a sign of both the rights and responsibilities which are part of eremitical consecration. For liturgical functions the cowl is more and more the typical garment of the perpetually professed hermit. In either case (habit or cowl) the hermit adopts particular garb only with the approval or wishes of the diocesan Bishop.

Canon 603 defines the life as a vowed contemplative life of “the silence of solitude,” assiduous prayer and penance, and stricter separation from the world — all lived for the praise of God and the salvation of the world (this last element ensures the positive nature of the vocation and disallows misanthropy, or other self-centered motives). Each term has an essential or non-negotiable meaning but the way each hermit embodies the life is unique. The Canon is both demanding and flexible. One who lives in accordance with it can live a life of complete reclusion (one end of the eremitical spectrum) or a life involving some very limited ministry outside the hermitage (the other end of the eremitical spectrum) as contemplative life spills over into this service as well. (Note well, this is still and must remain a contemplative, eremitical life; it is not active or apostolic and the hermit’s primary work and ministry is that of prayer in the silence of solitude!) Despite its flexibility, some daily practices tend to be fairly universal, the praying of the Divine Office, Lectio Divina, Contemplative prayer, Eucharist (C 603 hermits are ordinarily allowed to reserve the Eucharist in their hermitages), manual and intellectual labor, etc.

The life of the diocesan hermit is the life of a solitary hermit, not one living in community, but some suggest that diocesan hermits may come together in lauras for mutual support and encouragement (this is not an explicit part of Canon 603 itself, however, and some disagree with its allowance). Because of the solitary nature of the C 603 vocation, the hermit’s main community of support is primarily the parish and secondarily, the diocese. S/he will also live her contemplative solitude and the fruits of that solitude FOR these communities in a more specific and recognizable or formal way than would either a hermit living in community (a religious hermit) or a lay hermit, for instance.

While diocesan hermits may live from and reflect any spiritual tradition (Carmelite, Camaldolese, Benedictine, Franciscan, Dominican, etc) their primary identity and charism (i.e., their gift-quality to the church and world) is as diocesan. It is their presence within and commitmment to the local church that is the basis for the unique charism of the diocesan hermit. For this reason some diocesan hermits in a number of countries have, with their Bishop’s permission, adopted the initials Erem Dio or Er Dio (Eremita Dioecesanus) rather than some other form of initials which can be mistaken for the post-nomial initials of a particular Order or congregation. The practice is not universal, but it reflects a recent development in the appreciation of the nature and importance of the diocesan hermit to the Church and World.


Another purpose of c603 was to permit priests to remain in their religious communities and become recluses without having to leave, which had been happening. Now, under c603, order priests can become hermits and remain part of their community. I think we have a Fathers of Mercy hermit in our diocese.

The lay hermit can, indeed, adapt some kind of distinctive garb, as long as it doesn’t resemble a religious habit. Modest clothing for one’s state in life, and some form of headcover does not usually betray one’s eremitical leanings.

The lay hermit writes a Personal Prayer Rule, and after having lived it for several years, can make petition to the local ordinary for recognition as a “Lay Contemplative.”

Lay eremites can be considered “catechetical hermits” because the catechism covers them, whereas c.603 does not.

Eremitical communities utilizing c603 exist. Some have been “in-diaspora” (living in their own homes).

I am thankful for c603 being put into the code. St. Basil the Great is the one who said cenobitism was better than eremitism, but I think communities like the Camaldolese are showing that both can live together in harmony.

May you live continuously and perpetually in the Presence of God and the Celestial Court.
I just joined Catholic Answers and will be soon starting my own quest to be accepted as a diocesan hermit. Congratulations! Ad majorem Dei gloriam! Just curious - will you wear a habit?
I’m very happy for you. Can you share some insight into where you will live? I read somewhere that the hermist (which I don’t know almost anything about) live in the (edge of) wilds or stuff like that.
My cave will have air conditioning, LOL!

No, I will not live in “the wilds”; there are no “wilds” where I live.

I will continue to live quietly and peacefully in my current setting, which is in a low-income/high-crime area. I live with the poor of my community.
I just joined Catholic Answers and will be soon starting my own quest to be accepted as a diocesan hermit. Congratulations! Ad majorem Dei gloriam! Just curious - will you wear a habit?
I have discerned carefully over the course of several years re: whether or not to wear a habit. I have “flip-flopped” several times in my discernment. The wearing of a habit is up to the hermit and the hermit’s Bishop. I have come to the conclusion, with the permission of my Bishop, to wear a habit.
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