Because, as I argued in my earlier reply (see above), when Christ told us to pick up our cross, he was not talking about a battle with tough circumstances or with a personal flaw. He was talking about enduring the torment of giving witness to God in a hostile world. And that Cross (which is the cross Christ spoke of) is one you are always free to pick up or not. (Though once you’ve picked it up there’s probably no laying it down anymore.)ok, but i tend to wonder what difference it makes if i deny or accept, if i reject the cross, its still there. Am carrying it in-spite of me. So why does He say “take it up and come follow me”, seeing that He doesn’t ask my opinion or as if I told Him i did not want to, He’d take it away?
So if what you are referring to as “your cross” is some kind of circumstance in your life or something that’s wrong with you yourself, then Christ’s saying (“Take up your cross and follow me”) does not really apply.
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