No, there is no matter without form.Your phone screen, the computer chips inside are matter
No, there is no matter without form.Your phone screen, the computer chips inside are matter
Form is what makes something what it is. And yes, artificial things are what they are by means of four causes. One of those causes being its final cause which may well be the intent of its maker.And if so, I’m confused on what this means. A random jumble of parts is only what we humans call a phone. But say my phone had all except the button, or all except the back panel, or all except the inside electronic parts ---- would each of these variations, too, have their own “form?”
Is “form” just an arbitrary assignment? Are forms even real, or just merely invented by humans?
Of course, I’m talking about form in the matter and form sense.
Just as we say the soul is the form of a human body.
I don’t know if I’d start by saying the form organizes the matter. First, at a more fundamental level, a distinction is recognized between what something is and whether or not it is at all. If you know what something is (what it is essentially, or it’s “essence”), you don’t know at all whether any examples of it actually exist. Furthermore, all actual beings exist, in this way they are similar, but what makes one existing thing different from another is that what X is is different than what Y is.But why even talk about “form” in a meaningful way if it’s just kind of already there via any organization of matter?
In other words, I’m having a hard time understanding the importance of recognizing the matter vs form distinction. I know forms are important to some proofs about God, like his intelligence, which is why I’m trying to better understand it.
Is there some reason why you should be given anything like that?So what is the best argument for the existence of forms?
And yet, it doesn’t look like you have presented some argument for belief that only “mere jumblings of matter” exist.Throw in essence if you’d like too. I think my bigger problem is I’m having trouble seeing how there is an objective “other” outside of mere jumblings of matter.
I think it’s the realization that all material things are simply in constant shifting. It doesn’t matter if it’s a giraffe, made by nature, or a watch, artificially made by humans — it’s still a bunch of atoms that change over time.If you have some specific argument that gives you trouble, present it (as precisely, as you can). Demolishing it is likely to be what is required here, not some “best argument” as such.
But how can we decide when something like a human is an actual substantial unity, and not just another case of an “accidental unity”?No, the phone is an aggregate of substances (like copper, silver, various metals, and probably plastic) and artificial forms (all the various parts). It is an accidental unity unlike a human being or a dog which is a substantial unity. It’s like a house which is an artificial form composed of an accidental unity or aggregate of substances such as wood and stone. Wood and stone are substances but the form of the house is not. Wood and stone exist by themselves as wood and stone whether they form parts of a house or not. Your arm which is a part of your body will not exist as an arm if it is cut off from the body. It will undergo a substantial change and decompose into elemental substances or compound substances such as minerals.
This is making more sense now that I re-read it.Substantial forms versus accidental forms really has to do with the unity of the object under consideration. Substantial forms, in a sense, exist as a unified whole even though they’re made of parts, with ends intrinsic to what they are, operating together. An atom would have a substantial form. So would a molecule. So would a one-celled organism. So would a rose bush. So would a person. In all of these things, one might say that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, or at least that they’re operating according to some intrinsic principle. An accidental form, like a chair, or a boat, or even just a rock, is an arrangement of parts in which the relationship between the parts is (well) accidental. Consider a chair, the whole really has no intrinsic order to it. The parts have no relationship to each other beyond what’s been imposed on them by some extrinsic force. It’s arrangement isn’t a strong unity, just an extrinsic imposition on it. The same for a boat or any type of machine, or even a rock. The relationship between parts is really just accidental to each other, just happenstance, not some type of intrinsic unity.
It has little to do with being articulate or a professional philosopher. The point is that I suspect that there is some obstacle like an exaggerated fear of being wrong. While arguments can show it to be unreasonable, they are unlikely to defeat it completely. It is likely that prayer (let’s say, asking for intercession of St. Thomas Aquinas himself) would help a bit more.@MPat I’m sorry if I’m not being articulate. I’m not a philosopher by trade. But I do WANT to believe in forms, in the Thomstic sense, not for their own sake — but because they are necessary for certain proofs relating to God’s intelligence (i.e., that he is a Mind and is personal).
As it is said, “Fish don’t know they’re in water.”.For example, one thing that makes it shaky for me personally is simply the fact that not everyone accepts the Thomistic matter/form distinction. So it’s not as if it’s perfectly apparent to everyone.
First, you should notice that this is not an argument as such, instead, it is an alternative position. And unless this alternative position is supported by some arguments, it can be safely rejected.I think it’s the realization that all material things are simply in constant shifting. It doesn’t matter if it’s a giraffe, made by nature, or a watch, artificially made by humans — it’s still a bunch of atoms that change over time.
If one cuts down an oak tree and makes a table, a chair, and a desk out of it, how does one distinguish between the table, chair, and desk? By that which they are made out of, the oak wood or matter as it were? No, they are all made out of oak wood. They are distinguished by the form or shape the wood is fashioned into are they not? That’s why we call the one a table, another a chair, and the third a desk, i.e., by the form (in this case the accidental form of shape) the oak wood takes. In Thomism, matter is not that which determines what a thing is (matter is not an atom or any of the subatomic parts of atoms), matter is rather a principle of indetermination analogous to the oak wood which does not determine the distinction between the table, chair, and desk above. The form is the determining principle of things and through which things are what they are (the substantial form primarily) in the same way that the oak wood in the above example is determined by the form or shape and is called either a table, chair, or desk.And so I don’t know if the better word is essence, or what. But even while I admit there ARE arrangements of matter, I’m having a hard time seeing how this relates to an objective, individual reality that the matter participates in. Or like, if it’s not just a matter of human convention: “This jumble of matter ought to be called a giraffe! And this jumble over here looks enough like it to also be called a giraffe!”
Well, I’d rather not just assume forms, in the Aristotle-Thomistic sense.Form is but one concept (of a number of related ones) he defines to explain these self-evident things.
I suspect your own purposes really have little to do with any of what Aristotle was on about.