Acts 8:14-17?

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Baptism, we are cleansed by the Holy Spirit, but we do not receive the outpouring of the Spirit. As Peter Lombard says, Confirmation offers a greater increase of virtues, while baptism avails rather for remisssion. Then Lombard quotes Rabanus saying, “in the unction of baptism the Holy Spirit descends to consecrate a dwelling for God; in that of confirmation the sevenfold grace of the same Spirit, with all the plentitude of sancity and power, comes into a man.”

Do you see the difference?
John’s Baptism was by water … into the name of messiah, Christ Jesus. It did remove original sins … but, did not confer H.S.
While John himself possessed the H.S. from mother’s womb, only Jesus and his Apostles were able to deliver the H.S. — to those Baptized into the name of Trinity.

John’s baptism was most efficacious … up to a point. He was able to baptize Christ with water … but, God sent the visible H.S. down upon Jesus. Did Jesus next baptize John ? No. John already had H.S. Did the Apostles [many of whom were baptized by John ] need rebaptizm ? It doesn’t appear so from what John the Apostle tells us. But, they certainly later received H.S. from the Lord himself … via Confirmations. And, they also at direction of Christ were doing water baptisms like John had taught. Did it include the Trinitarian language ? Perhaps … althought I’m not sure. For it was only later after the Passion of Christ that Jesus Confirmed them with H.S.

At anyrate, all baptized by John did need the second step of laying on of hands … their Confirmations. They don’t appear to have received a second water rebaptism by the apostles … only the Confirmation event.

Even today, Confirmation is essential. While our Baptisms in the Trinity does confer the initial gift of H.S. … it is more for the removal of original sins … particularily in cases of infants and young children.

When we reach the age of accountability … Confirmation is the OVERWHELMING SACRAMENT for the power of H.S. to come upon the believer.

Now, for new convert adults … they probably will say their Baptisms were a very Spirit filled event for them. Also, shortly thereafter … they will get Confirmation Sacrament with additional H.S. Like a 1-2 punch … a very powerful spiritual awakening for them.
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