Not correct. Only Adam was responsible for his own sin. You are not. You are only dealing with the consequences. Also, you own sins, as well as mine, also quite likely contributing to unwanted (screwed up) consequences of others.
Please pay attention to what I said.
I DID NOT SAY: we are responsible for Adam and Eve’s sin or anyone’s sin. Whether temporal or spiritual.
We most definitely ARE NOT responsible!
I SAID: We are being HELD temporally responsible for Adam and Eve’s sin (and the sins of others!)
Notice the difference BEING temporally responsible versus BEING HELD temporally responsible.
Imagine you got a letter from the city, about a parking ticket. You open it up and read it. It says you are being fined $100 for parking illegally. The details are: the car is wrong, and it is clear your neighbor did it, but his license plate is mistyped and you got sent the ticket instead.
OK, you are clearly not responsible for his bad parking. So you go to court and fight it.
And lose.
The judge refuses to hear your arguments, and rejects your evidence and finds you liable for the fine.
You are being HELD responsible for something that is not your responsibility!
THIS is the same thing that God is doing to us. We are not in the Garden of Eden.
The Catholic Church does not teach that.
The Catholic Church teaches that sin has two punishments: spiritual and temporal.
Christ took care of the spiritual punishment, and defeated it.
He didn’t take care of the temporal punishment. You will notice the incontrovertible evidence of this - we are not living in the Garden of Eden.
Romans 8:23. We’re still WAITING to be redeemed in our bodies.
Genesis 3: 15 is not a punishment.
You’re right, Genesis 3:15 is not a punishment, it is a promise of the future Christ.
You forgot Genesis 3:23-24. There is the punishment.
The punishment is that God kicked Adam and Eve (and us) out of the Garden. We’re still being held temporally responsible for Adam and Eve’s sin - and other people’s sins.
Because God is a different being than a human person, the loss of humanity’s relationship with Divinity had predictable results.
Correct. God punishes. Showed no mercy in the temporal realm. God’s mercy in the spiritual realm is infinite and unlimited. Look at the cross of Christ!
In the temporal realm, God’s mercy is limited. Limited to his will. Christ’s Cross doesn’t seem to cover that. Romans 8:23