Adam and Lilith then Eve?

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Due to the Baptist’s belief in sola scriptura I find it hard to believe that these women heard this myth in church. It is probably something that they ran across in their own private readings. I attended a Baptist church for three years and never heard anything like this. I have read about Lillith on the web and come across the story in some books-but never from a church pulpit.
My coworker attends regularly and is a member of the Baptist church. He told me the preacher taught it.

Anyway, if there is one thing we can say about Baptists it’s that they do have a wide spread of theological opinions from chuch to church and preacher to preacher. I went to Baptists churches for years and never heard about Lilith either, but, that in no way means some other Baptist preacher isn’t spewing it out. I attended one Baptist church in Oklahoma that never had anything to say bad about other religions. I went to another one about 30 miles away that taught from the pulpit lies about the Catholic Church. I went to another Baptists church in Utah that taught Sacraments, infant Baptism, church leaders like the Pope, etc. were wrong without using the name Catholic (who else could it be?🤓 ). And I went to others churches too. I have many years of experience in Baptiest churches and over several states. Baptist churches are anything but alike.

Here are some other things I was got preached on:

Only the King James Bible is inspired.
The earth had a canopy over it.
Non of the Jews will go to heaven. (I assume they did not include Jesus however? It might be hard on them if they got there and had to kick Jesus out or they would not admit Him?)
Baptism is only symbolic. (So why get forced to be “re”-Baptised to join? They could never answer this one for me. They are against symbols.)
You can prognosticate other peoples salvation and your own.
You have to read the Bible to be saved!
Only Baptists will be saved.
The Baptists were the origional church founded by Jesus, all others broke off or were never Christian to begin with.
Emporer Constitine founded the Catholic Church in 313 A.D. and was the first Pope.
The Catholics murdered fifty million to one hundred million Baptists!

Not all Baptist sects said this junk, some churches did and some did not. Like I said, I went to numerous Baptists sects in several states. Strange though, it took me so many years to undo their brain washing. I guess I was so happy with the social activities, fun, frolic, inventing my own theology and entertaining worship services that I neglected to study the theology Christ gave us and deposited into the Catholic Church, His body. That’s for another thread though.
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