steve b said:
"There are no humanoid skeletons older than Neanderthal man.
For context:…nce/sc0042.html
Well if you must use deliberate obscurantist sources, you are bound to be drawn into embarassing error.
I’m pretty sure you have no idea what Solly Zuckerman was claiming because you are using a source, Bernhoft, who obviously has no idea either. Bernhoft quoted by you says: ‘There are no humanoid skeletons older than Neanderthal man.’ In your own words, evidence, my man, evidence.
Right, let’s move from propaganda to science. Zuckerman and Oxnard (know who he is? - a well respected anatomist like Zuckerman and a student of Zuckerman) claimed that the Australopithecines are not in the ancestral line of modern humans by applying the technique of biometrical analysis to morphological measurements of cranial and post-cranial fossils. Zuckerman and Oxnard challenge bipedality of Australopithecines. Whether or not they are right (and the current scientific hypotheesis is that they are not justified in excluding all Australopithecines from the direct ancestry of modern humans), this has nothing to do with what I posted or the question we are consiedering. And Zuckerman and Oxnard would ridicule Bernhoft’s nonsense: '‘There are no humanoid skeletons older than Neanderthal man’.
Since Zuckerman’s analysis was about Australopithecines and not Homo species, what evidence is there for Homo species earlier than H neanderthalensis? This is a tiny selection of all that is available:
Leakey REF, ‘Evidence for an advanced Plio-Pleistocene homihid from East Rudolf, Kenya’, Nature 242, 447 - 450. KNM-ER 147 ; Homo rudolfensis; 1.9 million years old
Leakey MD et al, ‘New hominid skull from Bed I, Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania’, Nature 232, 308 - 312. OH24; Homo habilis; 1.8 million years old
Leakey REF, 'Further evidence of Lower Pleistocene hominids from East Rudolf, North Kenya, Nature 248, 653 - 656; KNM-ER 1813; Homo habilis; 1.9 million years old
Johanson et al, ‘New partial skeleton of Homo habilis from Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania’, Nature 327, 205 - 209; OH62; Homo habilis, 1.8 million years old
Leakey REF, ‘New hominid fossils from the Koobi Fora formation in Northern Kenya’, Nature 261, 574 - 576; KNM-ER 3733; Homo ergaster, 1.7 million years old
Brown et al, ‘Early Homo erectus skeleton from West Lake Turkana, Kenya’, Nature 316, 788 - 792; KNM-WT 15000; Homo ergaster, 1.6 million years old
Clarke et al, ‘More evidence of an advanced hominid ar Swartkans’, Nature 225, 1219 - 1222; SK847; Homo ergaster; 1.5 million years old
Dubois, ‘Pithecanthropus erectus, eine menschenaehnliche Ubergangs form aus Java’, Landesdruckerei, Batavia; Trinil 2; Homo erectus; 500,000 years old
Weidenreich, ’ The skull of Sinanthropus pikenensis’, Palaeotologia Sinila New Series D, Ne10 Geological Survey of China, Pehpei, Chung King; Peking Man, Homo erectus, 400,000 years old
Conroy et al, ’ Newly discovered fossil hominid from the Sfar depression, Ethiopia’, Nature 276, 67 - 70; Bodo cranium; Homo heidelbergensis; 60000 years old
de Lumley and de Lumley, ‘Decouverte de restes humains anteneandertaliens dates du debut de Riss a la Caune fe l’Arago’, C RE Acad Sci Paris 272, 1729 - 1742; Arago XX1; Homo heidelbergensis; 400,000 years old
Assuaga et al ’ Three new human skulls from the Sima de los Huesos Middle Pleistocen site in Sierra de Atapuerca,’, Nature 362, 534 - 537; Ayapuerca 5; Homoheidelbergensis; 300,000 years old.
All of these and many more that I could quote are older than H neanderthalensis. You did want evidence, didn’t you?