Indeed, it’s a long article. At the very bottom is a little PDF icon, which gives the article in a better format for printing. But it’s still 25 pages long!
Here’s the link to the PDF version:
Here’s what the organization says in its descriptions of itself and its website:
The Interdisciplinary Documentation on Religion and Science website seeks to help scientists frame their work within a philosophical and humanistic context. It also seeks to aid people trained in theology to approach, through the humanistic reflections of scientists, the rationale of scientific activity. The Interdisciplinary Documentation on Religion and Science website is edited by the Advanced School for Interdisciplinary Research (ADSIR), operating at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome. The documents and services presented are intended to meet the growing need for qualified and accurate information on the relationship between theology, philosophy and scientific thought. The website is principally addressed to those who work in the field of school and university teaching, in pastoral initiatives for the Christian evangelization of culture, or those who are interested in the interdisciplinary aspects of scientific research.
Thank you for your response. What you have posted is essential information.
Off CAF, I am already working in the interdisciplinary arena of the Catholic religion, the broad scope of biology and paleoanthropology specialized as the science of human evolution, Thomistic philosophy, with access to proper Catholic theologians.
I am the “Girl Friday” who can rush in where angels fear to tread.
My incomplete scan that produced enough valuable information is the reason I started printing – which is better for my eyes. When I was writing for money, back in the dark ages before fax machines and Google, I had to have in my hip pocket, the sources for the “facts” I would be referring to. That habit still nags me.
Regarding this point in the above quote,
in pastoral initiatives for the Christian evangelization of culture
What is becoming obvious from sources like BioLogos Foundation is that certain areas of the Christian evangelization of culture exclude some specific Catholic doctrines such as those flowing from the first three chapters of Genesis. In general, one can speak about the old Christian traditions surrounding Adam and Eve, but in practical discourse we need to be aware that some Christian traditions have dropped the necessary source of two first sole fully-complete human parents of all humanity.
When Google landed me in the middle of CAF, one of the first things I learned was that Adam and Eve did not exist. Fortunately, an atheist discussion partner brought me up to speed. From there, I started learning some science and some philosophy and some figurative language, and some Catholic doctrines which were being scheduled for updating in order to comport with scientific findings. I am grateful to CAF for the contacts I made which eventually landed me in my current off CAF position of Girl Friday.
This thread has entered the general debate of whether or not Catholicism teaches that Adam was a fully-complete human person. Naturally, understanding the real existing Adam would be the basic foundation for the logic of Adam’s position in Catholic doctrines. This is a very necessary debate because from what I observed over the years, some, not all, basic common sense Original Sin doctrines have somehow slipped away from some, not all, Catholic education. For example, there are some people who do not recognize the full significance of the comment that God is Divine and Adam is human. And, sad to say, there are some people who do not recognize the full significance of Adam’s human nature per se. One of the damage sources is the exaggeration of the concept of perfect as applied to the Creator’s first two human creatures and the environment of the first garden cultivated by a human person.
What has happened is that as OP, I need to choose which road this thread should follow. Currently, I find it near impossible to return to post 1 with all the important current discussions in progress. Therefore, it is time for me to take a break.
I totally respect CAF’s posted policy in the **sticky **at the top of this and other forums.
Therefore, I will respect its limitations when discussing Adam from the perspective of other Christian faiths.
As I said in post 435, "There is way too much for me to handle … "
Nonetheless, having these articles will help me trace back to sources of information for the ideas of some, not all, Catholics. Knowing both the philosophical and scientific bases for current ideas is essential when it comes time to decipher Catholic speculations.
cfauster, I owe you big time. Thank you. Feel free to collect anytime – provided I am able to do so. Sometimes, this older than dirt brain likes to play hooky.
Thank you all for your contributions.
Please keep my work off CAF and the work of others who defend Catholic basic doctrines off CAF and on CAF in your Christian prayers.