Ok thanks for your reply. I wasn’t sure what you meant by:Seems I have to put on my thinking cap and try to understand what I was trying to say.
This is the short version of my interpretation.
Check out the Catechism if you want the truth stated clearly as it has been revealed.
The way I see it is that we are all human, whatever form we come in.
That essential quality has to do with spirit, which requires a specific body in order to express its capacities.
It is not the body, but the spirit that defines us as human.
And, that spirit is relational in that we are not things disconnect from each other and the world.
The issue of sin has to do with what happens in our relationships.
Part of my response has to do with my not liking to hear people blame Adam for their own sinfulness.
Every time we sin, we re-enact what happened in the Garden
Except for Mother Mary, we are all sinners. Full of grace, like Eve, she in contrast says, “Let it be done to me according to your word.”
As Eve led us away from God, Mary leads us back.
Through Eve, sin entered into humanity and we became Adam; through Mary’s choice we can grow in Christ, in Love.
It has to do with something like that. It’s a mystery, and as arrogant as I am, I don’t think i can add much to what the Church teaches.
*Whatever else, the world is an organism, but of a different order than the organism that is my body.
For want of a better way to express this, the cells within me are contained in my soul. They are one in the unity that I am.
This is not the nature of the world. *
In the preivous post, I see us humans as very much part of the natural world, and I sometimes think our ‘problems’ can be that we tried to separate ourselves from nature/the world in order to see ourselves as ‘higher’ even though we are to a degree, but only in intelligents/reason.
So Eve is the Original sinner? Some how it seems to always boil down to blame anyway. If both had not sinned then we would have been born with the Original grace, and we would still have had to make our own choice with sin. So we can blame the first two for failing to allow us our own original sin.
Also I’m not sure we do re-enact what happened in the garden, because we didn’t make that choice with Adam and Eve, it’s a different sin that was so powerful to break connection with the creator. Yes we can and do disobey, but that is how we are affected due to this inhertied nature.
Thanks again