I just wanted to add some thoughts on what you say here.. . . there is a condition, we have to be truly sorry for our sin, but I can’t be sure (as I don’t think the church is) that God has not or does not forgive without us being truly sorry first. What I do think, is, if we are not truly sorry for a sin, and ask forgiveness, it doesn’t work that way, because a person is most likely to commit the sin over an over until THEY recognize it within themself. . . .
It is all about love - unity through a giving of oneself to what is other.
We are truly sorry when we love the other and realize what our action has done to them.
God forgives us, but it is we who must grow in Christ, grow in the Way He has prepared for us by His incarnation, death and resurrection.
God is all you need to get to heaven
I find the focus on sin to be counter-productive. It can be like the tightening of a spring, growing stronger, the more it is attended to.
Praying, sharing with God ones trials and successes, participating in the Mass and the Eucharist, doing charitable works, and contemplating what has been revealed to us, one will find that the sinfulness sheds. In becoming more Christ-like, one is less apt to sin. Where it is more of a struggle, usually the sinfulness is in place to control the much larger foe of spiritual pride that ignores our reliance on God.