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As he was flying across the river, Freddy looked down and saw that it was frozen over and people were skating on it, even though it was the middle of July.
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Then he thought, “what a good opportunity to test out those skills I learned at the skating school.”
He wondered where he was going to find a set of skates to fit his four long, narrow three-toed feet with their curving claws.
The blacksmith took one look at Freddy and said, “Hey, I could use an assistant like you. Your flames are hotter and better than any blowtorch. Five hundred bucks a week, how about it?”
“Okay, Freddy, it’s a deal,” the blacksmith said, as they shook hands. “You start on Monday.”
Freddy walked away smiling and thinking to himself, “that was peculiar, since I don’t have hands, and I can’t smile”.
Being Friday, and since he didn’t start his new job until Monday, Freddy decided to do a little sightseeing in the village. To his surprise, he stumbled upon…
He was amazed to see that one of the singers seemed to have feathers growing out of his head.
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The crowd that had gathered to listen to the song were appalled. As their anger grew and grew at Freddy, one of the leaders of the crowd picked up a bow and arrow in the window of a nearby sporting goods store and promptly …
Dropped it and ran,looking back over his shoulder yelling to everyone to take cover…
Their roots grew deep into the soil, their arms stiffened, and leaves burst out all over, so that you couldn’t even see their faces.
As birds began nesting in the branches, the sound of birdsong was heard throughout the land.
And in unison, hundreds of birds broke into song … "it’s fun to go to the Y.M.C.A … it’s fun to go to the Y.M.C.A. …
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