Adding Catholic (or generic "Christian") holidays to Microsoft Outlook 2007

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Previous versions of Outlook included a generic Christian file of holidays, but in Outlook 2007 that seems to be gone. The only ones that come with it now are national holidays.

Anyone know from where a file of Christian holidays for Outlook 2007 can be downloaded? Preferably for free? And preferably a Catholic/liturgical/saints version?

In Outlook 2007 Calendar:
  1. Select the Tools menu
  2. Select Options
  3. On the Preferences tab, click on the Calendar Options button
  4. Under the Calendar Options section, click on the Add Holidays button.
  5. On the Add Holidays to Calendar pop-up box, scroll until you find Christian Religious Holidays.
  6. Click the checkbox next to Christian Religious Holidays.
  7. Click OK
  8. If any pop-up boxes ask if you want to reinstall the holidays (for Christian and/or US) click OK/Yes.
  9. Click the OK button on any remaining boxes until you’re back to your calendar.
You should now see Ash Wednesday highlighted this Wednesday if you do these steps this week.
Thank you.

My fault – I had rushed through it an just seen a list of national holidays.
Do I need to re-boot or open/close the application? I saw them load, but I don’t see Ash Wednesday on my calendar. 🤷

Ash Wed. showed up immediately on my calendar but you may need to reboot if it didn’t show up on yours. Try the reboot and then if you don’t see the holidays, try reloading them. If you’re still having problems I’d recommend contacting Microsoft or maybe a local computer support place.
If you are interested, Father Simon Simon Rundell SCP, Priest-in-Charge, Parish of St Thomas the Apostle, Elson
Gosport, Hants, UK, has graciously assembled a complete Liturgical Calendar for 2008 that can be imported into your Outlook and then synchronized to your PDA. I found this resource very helpful for 2007, and it is updated with saints’ biographies for 2008! Truly a blessing.

You can find it here:
If you are interested, Father Simon Simon Rundell SCP, Priest-in-Charge, Parish of St Thomas the Apostle, Elson
Gosport, Hants, UK, has graciously assembled a complete Liturgical Calendar for 2008 that can be imported into your Outlook and then synchronized to your PDA. I found this resource very helpful for 2007, and it is updated with saints’ biographies for 2008! Truly a blessing.

You can find it here:
Thanks for the link. Looks very nice. However, is this church Anglican or Catholic? I read over almost the entire website and found no clear indication, but hints of both.

If it is Anglican, how different is their liturgical calendar?

(Also, sadly, this parish website says that they support homosexuality).
Thanks for the link. Looks very nice. However, is this church Anglican or Catholic? I read over almost the entire website and found no clear indication, but hints of both.
Not a bad question. I hadn’t even thought of that. But I’m relatively sure that there are no Anglicans outside communion with Rome that have a concept of Holy Days of Obligation.

It seems I am wrong. They’re Anglican.
(Also, sadly, this parish website says that they support homosexuality).
Hm. And where do you see that?

(Searching myself)
Ah, found it:

Wow. 😊 I am rather embarrassed I didn’t do my full due diligence here.

Now that I’ve ALREADY imported them into my PDA, I will have to see if I can remove them. But not before I see if I WANT to. Given that they have regular times for confession and indicate Holy Days of Obligation and SEEM to have accurate readings, I’m not sure I’ll want to.

I’ll keep looking into it.
Well, here is the text of the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, December 8th, 2007:
Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary - Solemnity - * Holy Day of Obligation *
Today is a Solemnity
Colour: White Gloria Creed
Year: A2 Divine Office: 1
Readings for Mass
First Reading: Genesis 3:9-15, 20
Responsorial Psalm: Psalms 98:1, 2-3, 3-4
Second Reading: Ephesians 1:3-6, 11-12
Gospel: Luke 1:26-38
Themes of the day: Mary, purity, the benevolence of God
I exult for joy in the Lord, my soul rejoices in my God; for he has clothed me in the garment of salvation and robed me in the cloak of justice, like a bride adorned with her jewels. (Isaiah 61:10)
you prepared the Virgin Mary
to be the worthy mother of your Son.
You let her share beforehand
in the salvation Christ would bring by his death,
and kept her sinless from the first moment of her conception.
Help us by her prayers
to live in your presence without sin.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
Prayer over the gifts:
accept this sacrifice
on the feast of the sinless Virgin Mary.
You kept her free from sin
from the first moment of her life.
Help us by her prayers,
and free us from our sins.
We ask this in the name of Jesus the Lord. Amen.
Father, all-powerful and ever-living God,
we do well always and everywhere to give you thanks.
You allowed no stain of Adams sin
to touch the Virgin Mary.
Full of grace, she was to be a worthy mother of your Son,
your sign of favor to the Church at its beginning,
and the promise of its perfection as the bride of Christ, radiant in beauty.
Purest of virgins, she was to bring forth your Son,
the innocent lamb who takes away our sins.
You chose her from all women to be our advocate with you
and our pattern of holiness.
In our joy we sing to your glory
with all the choirs of angels:
Holy, holy, holy Lord…
Communion Antiphon:
All honor to you, Mary! From you arose the sun of justice, Christ our God.
Post Communion Prayer:
Lord our God,
in your love, you chose the Virgin Mary
and kept her free from sin.
May this sacrament of your love
free us from our sins.
Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
compiled from a variety of Liturgical Sources by Fr. Simon Rundell SCP
( as PRAYERWARE: Available without cost or charge except that your prayers are asked for Fr. Simon and the Parish of S.Thomas the Apostle, Elson
see Other resources available at
I don’t detect anything non-Cathoilc about that text. It uses the proper term, “Solemnity” for the day, and I believe the proper readings, correct liturgical cycle, and correct liturgical dress.

Am I mistaken?
There are many Protestant personages in the calendar file. For example, April 9 contains:

Biography of the Saint of the Day from Exciting Holiness (first edition):
Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Lutheran Pastor
9 April—Commemoration
If celebrated as a Lesser Festival, Common of Martyrs, page 464
Dietrich Bonhoeffer was born in 1906 into an academic family. Ordained in the Lutheran Church, his theology was influenced by Karl Barth and he became a lecturer: in Spain, the USA and in 1931 back in Berlin. Opposed to the philosophy of Nazism, he was one of the leaders of the Confessing Church, a movement which broke away from the Nazi-dominated Lutherans in 1934. Banned from teaching, and harassed by Hitler s regime, he bravely returned to Germany at the outbreak of war in 1939, despite being on a lecture tour in the United States at the time. His defiant opposition to the Nazis led to his arrest in 1943. His experiences led him to propose a more radical theology in his later works, which have been influential among post-war theologians. He was murdered by the Nazi police in Flossenburg concentration camp on this day in 1945.

For example, April 16 contains:

Biography of the Saint of the Day from Exciting Holiness (first edition):
Isabella Gilmore, Deaconess
16 April—Commemoration
If celebrated as a Lesser Festival, Common of Pastors, page 483
Born in 1842, Isabella Gilmore, the sister of William Morris, was a nurse at Guy s Hospital in London and in 1886, was asked by Bishop Thorold of Rochester to pioneer deaconess work in his diocese. The bishop overcame her initial reluctance and together they planned for an Order of Deaconesses along the same lines as the ordained ministry. She was ordained in 1887 and a training house developed on North Side, Clapham Common, later to be called Gilmore House in her memory. Isabella herself retired in 1906 and, during her nineteen years of service, she trained head deaconesses for at least seven other dioceses. At her memorial service, Dr Randall Davidson predicted that Some day, those who know best will be able to trace much of the origin and root of the revival of the Deaconess Order to the life, work, example and words of Isabella Gilmore. She died on this day in 1923.
How unfortunate. Ah well.

The Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles (yes, good things come out of there occasionally) has a downloadable one, too.

Lemme find the link.

One caveat:
The liturgical calendar for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles has the following local celebrations that vary from the General Roman Calendar:
Ascension of the Lord: Celebrated in place of the Seventh Sunday of Easter
Junipero Serra, priest: Celebrated on July 1
Our Lady of Refuge: Celebrated on July 5
Emydius, bishop: Celebrated on August 9
Vibiana, virgin and martyr: Celebrated on September 1
Dedication of the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels: Celebrated on September 2
Our Lady of the Angels (Patronal Feast): Celebrated on September 4
The above celebrations are not observed when they fall on a Sunday, with the exception of the Ascension of the Lord.
Not sure I can back out all the ones from that heretical site. I’ll see.
I uninstalled the Anglican one and installed the LA diocese file. Not as detailed, but more acceptable.

Thank you for the link.
Hey I found another Catholic calendar application for outlook (and more) and it worked!
I used the icalendar and saved it to desktop
then imported them to outlook… it worked!
Susie in KS
Universalis also has a downloadable calendar here (bottom of the page has a download). You can also use the calendar specific to your area.
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