My upbringing was not one of a family setting with a heterosexual couple. I was raised by a single parent from pre-Kindergarten who provided important things following the death of my other parent. So you’re asking the wrong person. If a single parent can do it, I see no reason why 2 parents of the same gender can’t.
I was raised by a single parent, my mother, after my father hit the road. I was 7(my sister was 4) never to be seen again nor provide child support.
It’s interesting to me how times have changed. Back in those days, late 60’s and early 70’s there was a plethora of research on how difficult it was for children to live without a father in the home. (That’s when most absentee parents were male, regretfully)
The side effects from research in those days included: increased suicide rates, increased drop out rates from high school, increased drug and alcohol use, and difficulty in later life maintaining relationships with the opposite sex and fear of abandonment issues that could be lifelong and impair relationships as well.
WOW times have changed. Now supposedly it’s perfectly fine for two same sex persons to adopt a child in the minds of some/many. Was all that research in the 60/70’s wrong then?
How can one even for a moment believe a child will not miss having a father or a mother depending on which gay couple adopts them? Children deserve both a straight mother and father to start life with and plenty are willing to adopt.
When you choose to marry a same sex person the reality is you can’t have a child naturally. That is your choice. This is the reality of the situation. You can’t have everything you want which is what society now seems to feel is the case with their gay agenda. How selfish of them to want to adopt a child and deprive them of either a father or mother. It’s purely selfish.
Ask any person who grew up in a two parent home with opposite sex parents and say
to them which I have many times
“Hey would you have cared if you had two dads or two moms instead of your dad and mom” and the resounding 100% answer is yes. I loved having a mom and dad. Some even had supported gay adoption so apparently it was ok for those “OTHER KIDS” but they had NO DESIRE to be in that situation.
Go figure.
I applaud Catholic adoption agencies who look for the best interest of the child and place children only in two parent heterosexual homes and not homes of those who are married gay couples.