So, I was born/baptised Catholic, but was out of the Church for many years. I finally had a very deep and very meaningful reconversion experience. And now, I try to do my best to live for Christ and I fully accept Him as my Lord and Saviour and want to dedicate my life to Him. I consider myself a traditionalist and, like many young traditionalists, I felt dissatisfied with the current crisis in the Church and with some of Holy Father’s decisions. Now, I know this still isnt really good reason for leaving. But because of that, I felt drawn to Orthodoxy for a while and after about a year I decided to convert. I felt that since the RC Church considers Orthodox sacraments valid that it wasnt as if I was straying all THAT far from home. I loved the beauty of the high liturgy, the staunch traditionalism, etc. I was pretty confident when I did, at the time. But now, not so much. I really miss certain devotions and saints I grew up venerating and loving, which, according to the Orthodox church, I am no longer permitted to venerate. Also, as an American, I do not care one bit at all for these jurisdictional disputes between the Moscow Patriarchate and the EP of Constantinople. But being in a ROCOR church, I am not allowed to commune in churches under the EP and that is a big problem because almost all the churches near me are under that jurisdiction. My regular church is not so close and currently I am without a car. I don’t know what I am hoping to achieve here other than complaining, so please forgive me but I thought maybe some advice and encouraging words would help. Maybe even some helpful and constructive criticism. Currently, I am not communing at church because I feel that it would be best to first solve this personal theological crisis before communing in either church. Any thoughts would be most appreciative. Thank you and God bless!!
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