Advice from Catholics on talking to Protestant Family

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Okay I have attempted to get some answers from the staff here, but I understand they are EXTREMELY busy, so hopefully posting here will be a little more fruitful. I had debated for months whether or not I should speak to my family, or mother in particular about the Catholic faith (and even asked in the forums how I should do it). They are all non-denominational, and so was I until about 3-4 years ago, I did not want to bring the conversation up as if I was talking down to her, or correcting her in a faith she had followed her entire life because of the life changing fullness of the Truth I had found within Catholicism. She doesn’t understand anything about the history of Christianity, and explaining it to her doesn’t get me very far. Anyway I felt like I would not by doing my duty as a Catholic if I DID NOT bring up some key points, like is the Bible alone a sole rule of faith, what is the importance of Baptism, how do we attain salvation, etc…

So after some help here in the forums, I went ahead and initiated a conversation - however, I got myself nowhere REAL quick. My mothers BELIEF in Jesus Christ is all that she feels she needs to attain salvation, nothing else matters - even though its a faith that does not urge her to follow all of Christ’s commands (like receiving the Eucharist) As a Catholic we obviously believe there is more to the equation than just faith - so my question is this, when you encounter someone who says ‘I don’t understand all of the theology, history or the complexity of what the bible says, I believe in Jesus, and thats all I know because I am simple in my faith, that is how God wants me to be, and I don’t do anything unless God tells me, and I thank him for it.’ - Thats basically a summary of her feelings - she repeats to me that the things I tell her are not importance beceause of her simplistic faith, and yet she believes strongly that a ‘personal relationship’ with Jesus is all she needs. So how should we as Catholics talk to people with this perspective? Do I just draw the line, and say I did all I can? I just feel that unless I get her to see the full Truth, that I am failing in my duty to spread the total Truth of the Christian faith - at the same time, I almost feel like I am harrassing a fellow Christian… I am really confused about where to take this conversation. When you read the bible you see dozens of passages about ‘believing in Jesus Christ’ and ‘your sins are already forgiven’, and those things stand out as simple messages to the average person. To find Catholic truths in Scripture takes a little more patience, and diving into the complete details of Scripture all in context - not to mention the history of the Church as it developed outside of Scripture. I guess to sum up my question, how do we teach the Catholic faith to those who have a more simplistic view of Christian faith? I would not feel completely right about letting my mother just be…
Boy let me say one thing when you get the answers PLEASE let me know,In my family I’m the only Catholic the rest are all Baptist,try talking to 10 to 15 at one time,
I try keeping my mouth shut eating a lot of hambergers at picnics and cake at birthdays LOL
Will Pick:
Boy let me say one thing when you get the answers PLEASE let me know,In my family I’m the only Catholic the rest are all Baptist,try talking to 10 to 15 at one time,
I try keeping my mouth shut eating a lot of hambergers at picnics and cake at birthdays LOL
Yeah I can imagine!.. I am very fortunate that the divide in my family is not farther than it is… I’ve heard that Baptists rarely want to even hear the Catholic point of view let alone consider it.

I guess it comes down to alot of prayer, and I have heard that it is often by example that others find a change of heart, not by arguments… I am starting to think this may be the best truth in these cases.


Hi theguidedheart, if she has Jesus as her Lord as you say, then you are sinning by adding to the gospel. Whenever you have Jesus plus _________________ you put yourself under the condemdation of Gal 1:6-8. I see your desire as not preaching the truth in LOVE. But, I see your heart as wanting to justify yourself as being right. You are showing grave disrepest for her as your mother. The fact that you fear speaking down to her, shows me that is exactly what you are doing out of the sin of pride.

Galatians 1:6-8 (New International Version)
6I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you by the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel— 7which is really no gospel at all. Evidently some people are throwing you into confusion and are trying to pervert the gospel of Christ. 8But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let him be eternally condemned!

1 Corinthians 15:3-4 (New International Version)
3For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, 4that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures,

You would be best to give her a good catholic translation and ask her where it differs from her bible.
Daniel Marsh:
Hi theguidedheart, if she has Jesus as her Lord as you say, then you are sinning by adding to the gospel. .
Sinning by adding the gospel:confused:

Wow! I never knew that preaching the gospel to those who are already born again in Christ was a sin.

There are a lot of preachers going to hell and they don’t even know it:eek:
No, I am saying when you add to the gospel, Jesus Plus something else equals false gospel.
Daniel Marsh:
No, I am saying when you add to the gospel, Jesus Plus something else equals false gospel.
Ahh, I see.

What she wishes to share with her mother is not Jesus Plus anything. It is just the FULL truth of the Gospel.

And we ARE required to share that FULL truth.

God Bless,
Ahh, I see.

**What she wishes to share with her mother is not Jesus Plus anything. It is just the FULL truth of the Gospel.
And we ARE required to share that FULL truth.

God Bless,
You just contradicted yourself there. You are claiming that her mother who has Jesus as Lord only has part of the gospel thus you are proving my point that you are in fact adding to the gospel.
Daniel Marsh:
You just contradicted yourself there. You are claiming that her mother who has Jesus as Lord only has part of the gospel thus you are proving my point that you are in fact adding to the gospel.
The Full gospel of the Lord is not over when someone believes that Jesus is Lord.

That is why there are so many follow up letters to New Christians in the early Church.

Or were the Apostles “adding to the gospel” by continuing to correct and teach those who have Jesus as Lord?
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