well, break his leg, that’ll keep him home!
seriously, I know my own husband changed his mind with respect to this issue as he grew in his faith and eventually converted… if your husband is not very observant, and more of a “vitamin pill” Catholic (attends mass to get his weekly fix of the eucharist but not much else) and secular, then he may not have deep insight/understand why his attending a stripper bar is sinful and disrespectful to God, you, the stripper, the prospective bride, etc…
No matter, I think you should definitely express that you believe it’s sinful to be oogling another woman (lust in the heart!), and not in keeping with his marital vows/hurtful to you. It will definitely take strength of character to stand up to his pals, but you should tell him that’s what he should do. On one occasion, my husband went out to the bachelor party dinner, and then once the strip-joint hopping started, he just left the party. Also, once at another bach party when he realized the intention of the gang to detour to a strip bar, my husband offered to drive them there and pick them up later (i.e. be the designated driver). He went back to his hotel room and just watched tv for the interim. Let me say, though, that before my husband converted to Catholicism, he, I know, went to nudie bars several times, in particular when he’d visit an out of town college friend from whom he felt severe peer pressure. Since he’s converted, he has been able to witness effectively through abstaining from those activities, as I described above, and it has not hurt his friendship with his old college pal… in fact the last time he visited the friend, his friend didn’t even ask about doing the nudie bar thing!
if your husband does decide to go, he’s a big boy and it’s his relationship with God, and just pray for him. What more can you do than trust in God?
God bless