I have to disagree with you when you say that a person has to ask for forgiveness. You are free to forgive anyone for anything at any time. When reciting the Lord’s prayer, we do not say “forgive us our trepasses as we forgive those who trespass against us, when they ask for it.” We are to forgive as Christ forgave.I think sometimes the concept of forgiveness gets misused, too. Someone has to ASK for forgiveness before we can give it! That’s the step so many people forget.
If we choose not to let the pain rule our lives any longer, to allow ourselves to heal and move on, that is valid and commendable. But that is not forgiveness, it is growing up and learning how to take responsibility for our own lives.
True forgiveness may not be possible in this lifetime, because the person who wronged us may never ask. And that is no fault of the person who has been wronged, because s/he was never given the chance to forgive. Human evil and weakness probably prevents a lot of forgiveness that might have been given, had it only been asked.
You must think that with someone that has abused you or has hurt you, they may not ever ask for your forgiveness. So are we to just hold onto that? That hurt, those feelings? Or are we to follow the teachings of Christ “forgive one another as I have forgiven you?”
Jesus Christ did not say many things while he was hanging on the cross, but one thing that he did say is “Forgive them Father, for they know not what they have done.” Did they ask for his forgiveness? No, but Jesus Christ, while dying for our sins, kept giving and giving.