I just want to second this piece of advice. Sex is definitely the more you do it the more you desire it. If your wife can find it in her heart to give of herself, even though she is not in the mood, I know that she will find that she enjoys it more than she thought she would.I also want to add that it is so very true that even if she is “not in the mood” or lacks “desire” - that if she, out of nothing more than LOVE for you - gives herself to you, not only will she be fulfilling her marital vows (as it is a grave sin to deny your spouse the marital embrace) - but she very well may find that she enjoys it more than she thought she would.
Kind of - the more you do it the more you desire it.
There is even a biological/spiritual reality to this. It is how God designed it!
My prayers go out to you.
I know a few years ago my husband was always waking me up very early in the morning, like 4:30 or 5, and I am not a morning person. I would always turn him down since I was totally not in the mood and just wanted to go back to sleep. I did begin to see how this affected his mood throughout the day, and decided to stop saying “no”. Guess what I found out? I was more in the mood than I had realized, and I think that your wife would find this out if she gave it a try. She’s had a pretty long dryspell. I would try not to let things go that long. I think once she gets back in the habit of saying yes, she will find herself feeling a lot happier.