There is no birth control pill that assures the user of total freedom from chemical abortion. You’re kidding yourself if that’s what you think! The Lord gave man dominion over the earth, as we learn in the Bible, and instructed man to be fruitful and multiply. Nowhere in the Bible will you find encouragement to refuse the gift of a child.Benedictus is right: If the pill does not kill embryos between fertilization and implantation, we cannot lie and pretend it does simply because we know that contraception is evil. I want to destroy contraception and abortion with nothing but the truth, and if Benedictus is right and there is no real research-based data that suggests chemical contraceptives cause abortions, then I’m not going to claim they do.
God bless.
You would be well served to read John Kippley’s article, “Apologetics and Birth Control” so that perhaps you can help your friend see that the Bible does indeed have much to say about saying no to God, which is precisely what birth control does. See catholic.com/thisrock/1990/9011fea1.asp