I have felt similar emotions before. It is important to be open to where the Holy Spirit leads us… it always leads us to peace and love. Take things one day at a time, think about what your heart desires to do in this life to save souls: raising children and living one with your spouse, entering a religious community and living in fraternity with other religious Brothers/priests, serving your (a) diocese as a priest, serving the Lord as a single man, a permanent deacon… So many beautiful options, but always remember that we need to analyze our desires for our life, in order to better dialogue with the Lord and to better understand what God wants us to do in this life in order to best serve Him (my spiritual director was able to put this a lot better than I can). Maintain an open heart, never shut any doors, and be absolutely certain that any commitment you make in order to follow God will never be in vain, and will lead you closer to God.
Much peace and prayers,
Much peace and prayers,