African Bishop Concerned About Synod Fathers Wanting to Please the Media| National Catholic Register
“Diluting the truth” does not go down well in Africa, said Bishop Andrew Fuanya of Mamfe, Cameroon. “Once we speak ambiguous language, the youth get confused and they go astray.”
Speaking to the Register on the sidelines of the Youth Synod in Rome Oct. 22, Bishop Fuanya welcomed the October meeting as an important global forum to combine ideas to help today’s youth.
But he also urged his brother bishops to “never shy away from the truth” and, in common with his fellow synod fathers from Africa, said he would not vote for any paragraph in the final document that contains the loaded acronym of the homosexual lobby, ”LGBT.”
Bishop Fuanya said he was “scared of one thing” — that bishops, especially in the West, are so sensitive to public opinion that rather than making “enemies before going back home,” they will take “some very fluid positions so that they can be applauded by the media.”
The Cameroon bishop also spoke of the importance of tradition as an antidote to ambiguity, called on the Church to denounce ideological colonization, and warned that if the Church in Europe continues to “sleep,” it will be invaded by Islam.