"After Ireland"

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Dear De Montfort,

Thanks for your reply and by your “username”, I’m sure you know the life of St. Louis de Montfort and his efforts to build up the Members of the Body of Christ in his own time. We need men and women who will pray with the fervor of the Saints and especially through the intercession of Mary , as St. Louis de Montfort taught in his treatise on True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin and also in his lesser known but beautiful book The Love of Eternal Wisdom.
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Dear Escabrosa,

The sins of our brothers and sisters among Clergy, Religious and Lay person in the Church wound us all. Jesus alone is “Perfect Justice” and “Perfect Mercy” while we are all imperfect.

We need to strive – all of us – by God’s Grace, to have the Mond and Heart of Christ. The words of Jesus in Jn 16: 33 can help us:
In the world you will have trouble, but take courage, I have conquered the world.
Jesus told his Disciples this on the night before He was crucified for our sins.
This thread was not intended for debating but rather as a call to prayer. May I ask anyone who is entering the thread, to please re-read the original post. Thanks.
@MariaChristi Respectfully noted. Just as explanation: I did read your OP carefully. The Ireland debacle, and the question of what we Catholics should do next, has been a very pressing one for me, hence my posts. There is no doubt, of course, that prayer is key, be it in the monastery or elsewhere. Thank you.
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Thanks Roguish, for your understanding. I’m glad you read the OP carefully, and the situation in Ireland is important to you, as it is to so many of us. By God’s Grace, we must pray always, with ever growing Faith, Hope and above all Charity.

Come Holy Spirit fill the hearts of Your Faithful; kindle in us the Fire of Your Love.
Jesus we trust in You.
Mary, Mother of the Church, pray for us.
In Ireland all the schools are catholic public schools.
These used to be run by religious orders and now are run by lay teachers.

One problem with Ireland is that the Catholic Faith ended up being taught in schools by lapsed catholic and aetheists.

Get aetheist teachers to teach religion for 20 years throughout the country and what will happen? …

Religious orders/ the Legion of Mary/ catholics trained in parish ministry should have been coming into schools to teach the Catholic Faith, It should not have been left to aetheists to teach religion in public schools…

Also: 30 years ago priests used to attend the catholic schools once a year to examine the students and teachers, there was accountability to teachers as to whether they were teaching the catholic faith and teaching it correctly.

The religion curriculum books were changed to a really poor watered down curriculum for about 15 years that hardly taught the True Faith as strongly as the old curriculums with a load of off topic subjects that had nothing to do with the faith.

In high schools religion is like a free class with no specific curriculum in some schools,

This is where some of the present problems have come from,

The bible says: ‘My people perish from lack of knowledge.’

If the Faith is not taught, how will the next generarion know the Truth of Christ.
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Thanks for your reply, YoungCatholicGuy,

The same might be said of any country; the loss of Relgious teachers from Catholic schools, who had more theology than average lay persons, was part of the problem. However, I had two lay teachers in my Catholic School whom I greatly respected. One was a daily communicant.

After Vatican II there was great confusion in many countries so the Faith Formation among children, teenagers and young adults was watered down not only in Catholic Schools but in public schools as well. There has been a general “dumbing-down”, and as you said, we have atheists teaching in schools that were once based on Judeo-Christian ethics if not on solid Catholic teaching.

We could go on and on about problems but as I’ve already replied to another person – we need – I mean personally, every person who reads this thread, needs to ask for God’s help in prayer. Each person needs to examine his or her own conscience and ask God’s help to determine: “Is God first in my life?” How well do I pray?

St. Teresa of Avila had good advice for her sisters, (and us) when she said the two essentials of prayer are: attention and devotion. Do I know (am attentive to) Whom I am praying? Do I know who is praying (attentive to my being honest with God)? Do I know what I am praying? (attentive to words I think or say) and am I devoted to God as I pray? Do I love Him all my mind and heart and soul?

St. Teresa went on to say that without attention and devotion, they (and we) may be moving their (our) lips, but they (we) are NOT praying!

If we seek true knowledge then we need to pray to the Holy Spirit especially, for Jesus promised the Holy Spirit will bring us into all truth (cf Jn 16:13). It seems to me we need to begin also and perhaps first, to pray within our families. The Faith does need to be taught but it first must be received in Baptism and nurtured in the home, ideally, by the example of virtuous parents, siblings and the extended family.

Much more could be said but this reply is already too long. I agree with the Abbott and the Cardinal whom I quoted in the OP. We need to return to God in Prayer. Without Him we can do nothing!
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Repentance, amending one’s life, the Sacraments and the Rosary are the solution.
Our Lady of Fatima said this .☺️

Our Lady of Fatima also mentioned occasional abstinance for the conversion of sinners.
(This could take the form of not smoking / watching tv/ using facebook/ eating sweets/ etc on Wednesdays or Fridays).
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So, when the police department can’t capture all criminals and the DA can’t prosecute all criminals it is a sin of the government?
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How often does a case meet the criteria to be considered beyond reasonable doubt? So, to publish a list of arrests is not dangerous with respect to calumny?
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Dear YoungCatholicGuy,

Thanks again for another reply to the need for Prayer. Repentance, amending one’s life, the Sacraments and occasional abstinence are all important, no doubt about that for those who sincerely are seeking God. But the solution for those who do not pray may be for us to pray for them as well as to grow in our own relationship with God.

Our Lady of Fatima appeared to three little shepherd children and asked them to pray the Rosary and to make sacrifices for poor sinners. Mary is Mother and Model of the Church, we need to pay attention to her. Jesus told us from the cross, “Behold your Mother”. We need to do as John did in hearing those words, and obediently take Mary into our lives.

Pope St. John Paul II saw this crisis of faith in 1982 – 36 years ago – and in an address to the Legion of Mary Members in Italy said:
Where the Mother is, there too is the Son. When one moves away from the Mother, sooner or later he ends up keeping distant from the Son as well. It is no wonder that today, in various sectors of secularised society, we note a widespread crisis of faith in God, preceded by a drop in devotion to the Virgin Mother.
Let us pray with faith in God’s Love for may have lost their faith, those who have no one to pray for them. Let us pray especially through the intercession of Mary.
Dear YoungCatholicGuy,

Thanks for your reply. Today is the Memorial of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel. I was disappointed in going to the USCCB site for today’s Mass Readings, to find that they simply made no mention of today’s Memorial.

It is sad to see so many Catholics seeming to “neglect” Mary our Mother in these times. Croatia is a country I have not studied, so I did a search online and found an interesting article – long, but written by a Jesuit priest, dealing with Croatian History. It is on the website of The Immaculate Heart of Mary Church, a Roman Catholic Croatian Church in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The conclusion of the article states:
…The Catholic Church in Croatia lives a time of deep changing. There are reasons for pessimism and lack of self-confidence. Personally I see the hope for this Church in her experience of endurance, her desire to be “Catholic”, in sense of to be devout both to the mystery of redemption and to the addressee of this redemption – the people. The history has offered Croats many occasions to experience the cross, to recognize the unique redemptive force of Christ’s cross…
You and others may want to read more on the history of this particular Catholic Parish in Canada, as well as the Croation History article by Ivica Musa SJ. The article, by Fr. Musa, entitled “Croatian Heritage” can be found HERE

Going back to the OP and the quotes from Abbot Anderson and Cardinal Sarah, every person, no matter where they live, it seems to me, needs to look into his or her own heart and see: what is the predominant “desire” of my own heart? Whom or what am I seeking? Jn 1: 38-39 can help us:
Jesus turned and saw them following him and said to them, “What are you looking for?” They said to him, “Rabbi” (which translated means Teacher), “where are you staying?" He said to them, “Come, and you will see.” So they went and saw where he was staying, and they stayed with him that day. It was about four in the afternoon.
If we truly are looking for Jesus, Who is our Way, our Truth and Our Life, we too need to “stay with Him” or as Jesus repeatedly tells us in John’s Gospel “Remain in Me”. If we are seeking Him we will find Him, but f we seek less, we will have less.
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We are simply in the end times. The great apostasy is here with us. The moral doctrines of the church are being undermined from the top. All we can do is pray the rosary and keep our faith strong in the holy Eucharist.May God forgive we catholics for exposing our Lord to public shame through clerical abuse, immorality, immodest fashion, Cowardice etc. The Shepherds and the flock were sound asleep and wolfs entered the sheepfold.
Dear Tony,

Thanks for your reply. It certainly does look like the end times, but only God knows the day and the hour. I thank Him for this day, and pray to be faithful to Him, by His Grace, through the power of His Holy Spirit and the intercession of our Mother Mary.

Let us continue to pray the Rosary and every prayer with increasing attention and devotion, that God may increase in us the supernatural gifts of Faith, Hope and above all Charity.
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Thanks, brian,

Of course we know from Whom all good gifts come! 🙂
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