You don’t have any “opponents” here. You have people telling you the truth. If you choose to see that as opposition, it says a lot about you, not them.None of my opponents in here
You don’t have any “opponents” here. You have people telling you the truth. If you choose to see that as opposition, it says a lot about you, not them.None of my opponents in here
It is a practical matter. The formation of 6 to 7 years has a cost. In the Byzantine Catholic Church the ordination is not to be done after age 65, but I believe there is a one year extension that may be granted. Formation of a deacon takes five years and the program only starts every five years.
Bishops in the USA are white men.None of my opponents in here have any sense of social justice, any sense other than obedience to a Bishop; Bishops are men (largely white men); A Bishop is a man of God, HE is NOT God;
No Bishop of any church should be immune from criticism;
Its no wonder that a majority of Catholics do not attend MASS except on holidays or special occasions.
The church has become STIFLING in its ministries and in ITS attitude towards the mystical body;
Thats the REAL debate in here; You people view BISHOPS as being GOD, not a servant of the Lord but as a DEITY all by themselves;
ORLY? If you’re claiming you’re the only one with a “sense of social justice”, that sounds to me like pride talking.None of my opponents in here have any sense of social justice
However MERELY because of a persons AGE, they have no calling?
If you are called to be a priest, then the vocation of your life has always been to be a priest. (Just as, if you are called to be a husband and father, then the vocation of your life would always have been to be a husband and father.)To claim one lacks a calling because they are too old
Because the priesthood isn’t an ‘opportunity’… it’s a vocation. And that means that there’s a nuptial dimension to the vocation. You can discern a calling unilaterally, but for the conclusion to be reached that you are called to be a priest today, both you and the Church must say ‘yes.’. In much the same way that a man cannot demand of a woman that she marry him, a man cannot demand of the Church that she ordain him.How can the church deny the opportunity to become a priest
The U.S. military has age requirements for commissioning. Is that ageism? Or, is it a recognition of the fact that, beyond a certain age, it would be irresponsible stewardship of resources to commission a person an officer? Is not not, likewise, possible to make the same argument vis-a-vis the priesthood?Does not their predjudice regarding age, ie AGEISM
It’s a perilous course to decide that one is personally the arbiter of truth, over and above and in contradiction to the Church that Jesus founded. Many have taken that course. History gives them a variety of names, none of which are terribly positive.The CHARISMS I have MUST have expression, if not inside the Roman Church then outside it;
I submit that nothing here replies to my post.In Reply to "suscipeMeDomine and Titivillus: …