That does not a grand conspiracy globally unified make.
Its one Group
Their agenda isn’t a “conspiracy” at all, since they do not have a hidden agenda.
When I use the word “conspiracy,” at least, I mean people who have goals and/or projects that (a) they are working on together and (b) that they are hiding either the project itself, an important goal of it or the fact that they are in fact collaborating to accomplish the goal.
Didn’t say that, said to call them agendas is counterproductive.
Why should it be counterproductive to say someone has an agenda?
OK, let’s be clear–if you’re saying it is counterproductive to say that GLAAD or the LGBTQ community
has an agenda, I think that is silly.
Maybe we are talking past each other because you’re actually taking issue with this:
Party A and B have an agenda to achieve C
Party D believes that accomplishing C will cause E
Party D claims Parties A and B are engaged in a conspiracy to achieve E.
I agree with you: that is, no, cooperating to achieve one goal does not automatically amount to a conspiracy to achieve a side effect. It depends on whether Party A and B believe they’re actually trying to achieve E and whether they are being covert about their interest in achieving E.
That doesn’t mean that Party D wouldn’t be right to be concerned about the push to achieve C because they are adamantly opposed to having E come to pass. It does mean that the charge of a conspiracy to achieve E is unjust unless Parties A and B actually are
covertly cooperating to accomplish E.
Maybe they are all just people and should be treated as such?
Yes. That does include opposing their goals when it is felt their goals are detrimental to society, though. We have to have a mechanism by which we can debate societal expectations.
I am a big believer in the reality of a societal contract. I think there is this fallacious reasoning going around that says “what I do is none of society’s business and the definition of being a decent person is staying out of my face about my choices.” We’re asking for a society and a social circle that celebrates our unfiltered expressions of our inner impulses, but without anyone upsetting us with theirs–that is not realistic! I have to think that the chaos we have in our social expectations has a lot to do with all of the anxiety disorders and depression we have afflicting us.
If the norm is going to be “we are all just people” and “live and let live,” then we’re going to have to be a lot more thick-skinned about people who refuse to give their approval or cooperation to our choices. That may sound easy, but in truth it is asking for a lot.