I will repeat, yet again…it is no problem to believe in things that are inconsequential and have no personal effect on you.
Bradski says he likes pizza. Yeah, sure. Why not. Would you need actual proof? Do you need a sworn affidavit? For pizza?
Bradski says he has never called on God in times of trouble. Well, OK. Sure. If he says so. Big deal. Doesn’t affect me in any way and why would he lie about that anyway?
Bradski says he can travel into the past. He what? Well, that can’t be true. Who the hell can do that! I don’t believe him. What proof does he have?
Bradski says dead men reanimate and walk around chatting to people. Well, hang on a minute. No way, Jose. What is this…the Zombie Apocalypse? If that is true, then it changes a lot of things that I currently believe and if it’s not true I don’t want to appear gullible in accepting such an amazing statement at face value. So let’s check this out…
I’m sure that sounds entirely reasonable to you. Well, I’m sure it does to most people, in any case.
Meanwhile, could you explain why you won’t accept something as trivial as a statement that someone has remained an atheist whilst putting themselves in harm’s way? Do you think that they are lying? Why would they do that?
The question keeps being asked but still no response.
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