If someone researches, studies, and tries to find truth but can’t come up with a definite answer to satisfy them on whether gods exist or not they are called lazy because they self identify as an agnostic? On the other hand someone is told something as a child (there is god or there are gods) and believes this without question without studying they are not lazy?
I personally believe in a creator from what I can observe of nature. This is my “proof”. I also know many folks that when asked why they believe in god they will say “I believe what it says in the bible.” and that is their “proof”. Hence the name of puzzledtoo.
I personally believe in a creator from what I can observe of nature. This is my “proof”. I also know many folks that when asked why they believe in god they will say “I believe what it says in the bible.” and that is their “proof”. Hence the name of puzzledtoo.