Al Jazeera: Do they ever learn?

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It seems that the horrible crime that took place in Beirut won’t go unpunished. Despite the continues allegations of the Syrian and Lebanese government and the crocodile tears their officials are shedding, no one seems to believe them and especially the Lebanese people. All the Syrian government could come up with is accusing Israel of being responsible for the crime. When combined with their and their friends in the Lebanese government prior accusations to Al Hariri that he was an agent for the American and Israeli intelligence, their current accusations become nothing but a stupid joke.

The Arab satellite TV stations are covering the event and its development on hourly basis these days. While Al Jazeera and official Arab TVs are expectedly defending Syria and feeding conspiracy theories -that only they can come up with without feeling the slightest shame or paying any attention to how stupid it makes them look or better say how unrealistically they wish all people to be that stupid to buy such ****-others like Al Arabyia, LBC (Lebanese) are trying to be more objective and even giving obvious signs that the accusations against Syria are not unfounded at all!

Those channels showed hundreds of Lebanese citizens protesting and demonstrating obviously voluntarily in several Lebanese cities demanding justice and accusing Syria directly or indirectly of committing the crime. The Lebanese opposition is leading and demanding not only an international investigation but also an international protection from what they described as a Syrian occupation.

The crowd that walked in his funeral today was really huge and TV stations said it was estimated to be hundreds of thousands at least and most of them seemed angry more than sad.
They showed also the Syrian vice president Abdul Haleem Khaddadm in Al Hariri’s house next to Hariri’s elder son. They said that he (Khaddam) and Lebanese officials asked Al Hariri’s family to hold the ceremonies where they accept people’s respect in the presidential palace rather than the family house but they said that the family refused strongly to do so!
Anyone who’s been following the Lebanese issue would find no difficulty at all in concluding who assassinated Al Hariri. The man resigned from his position as a PM under the Syrian pressure to re-elect President Imil Lahood which he opposed and then declared that he was contacting the opposition to join them in support of immediate execution of Security Council resolution number 1559 that demands the withdrawal of Syrian troops from all Lebanese territories.

This was going to be a serious threat to the Syrian regime and its friends in Lebanon, as prior to that only the Christians demanded the Syrian withdrawal and later were joined by the Durooz (a She’at sect), and if Al Hariri had joined them it meant that most Arab Sunnis would do so to and that would mean the majority of the Lebanese people would be asking for the Syrian withdrawal. In fact the majority always wanted that but they feared to voice their opinion because the army, the Mukhabarat and Hizbullah’s militia are all in the hands of Syria. Thus it’s more than clear who has the motive and the means to assassinate Al Hariri. Not to mention that they’re the only parties that refuse an International investigation.

However, and like all dictatorial regimes, the Syrian government has only speeded its end by committing or supporting such a crime, as now the Lebanese people are enraged and nothing can silence their demand, and to their good luck they seem to have the support of the International community and most importantly that of the USA.

I had previously expected something to happen in Lebanon, but I didn’t expect it to happen this way. It was not easy to find a strong motive but now I believe the Syrian regime by committing such a crime has almost sealed its fate.

It’ll be interesting to watch how the Syrian dictator and his gang that had put him in power are going to respond to the mounting pressure and if they would resort to any logic and withdraw from Lebanon, but my experience with their twin party here in Iraq makes me believe that they learned nothing from Saddam’s lesson and that they will do exactly the opposite and further tighten the rope on their neck with every single move.
originally said by Einstein
There’re only 2 things that are infinite: the universe and human stupidity and I’m not sure about the former
The reports of al-Jazeera about Syria can be found at the links below. They are not as you report them to be. You cannot accuse your enemies of lying if you yourself are not scrupulously truthful.
**“Syria get out, Syria get out,” yelled the crowds. A woman in black shouted hysterically, “Syria messed up Lebanon. Let them get out of here. I don’t want to see a Syrian face.”

Others called on the government to resign. “We don’t recognise the current government. They are ruling us by force,” Radwan Itani, 45, said.

Sense of gratitude

People who are opposed to Syria consider the government headed by Prime Minister Umar Karami a product of the controversial Syrian-inspired amendment of the Lebanese constitution that allowed President Emile Lahud to extend his term for another three years last September."

Well posted Matt, gilliam, it seems you desperately want Al-Jazeera to be evil, the truth is they are widely respected as bringing an Eastern perspective to the West.
Well posted Matt, gilliam, it seems you desperately want Al-Jazeera to be evil, the truth is they are widely respected as bringing an Eastern perspective to the West.
Considering Al-Jazeera has a cameraman present to videotape when a group of these insurgent devils saw’s a man’s head off with a knife, I’d say that pretty much qualifies them as evil.
Considering Al-Jazeera has a cameraman present to videotape when a group of these insurgent devils saw’s a man’s head off with a knife, I’d say that pretty much qualifies them as evil.
When was an al-Jazeera cameraman present at such an event? I am aware that videos of such events are posted to them but that is hardly the same thing. Unless of course you are willing to consider that facts are irrelevant when you have a chance to discredit those presenting alternative viewpoints to Republican Party foreign policy.
When was an al-Jazeera cameraman present at such an event? I am aware that videos of such events are posted to them but that is hardly the same thing. Unless of course you are willing to consider that facts are irrelevant when you have a chance to discredit those presenting alternative viewpoints to Republican Party foreign policy.
I see the airing of the beheadings as far more than just alternative veiwpoints to the Republican Party. If you consider an american having his head cutoff as the eastern perspective than you’re not being honest.
I have watched Al Jazeera in Germany, couldn’t understand a thing that was said, but anyway, they do show some really graphic war footage that the American networks shy away from. It’s just that standards of what can be aired is different in other countries. I believe in the US there were protests to not show anything graphic as well as protests to show the graphic images so people could see the reality of war. Things as the beheading and US torture were shown widely in the Arab world as well as some places abroad where the censors aren’t so tight. I’d argue that people are entitled to see reality if they wish. It’s good to know what your troops are facing so you’d better appreaciate them as well as the other veterans who are struggling to live.

“Everywhere there will be ‘peace talks’ but punishments will come. A man in a very important position will be assassinated and this will provoke the war. A powerful army will dominate all through Europe and the nuclear war will commence.” - Last secret of Fatima.

Assassination = Al Hariri ?
Michael C:
I see the airing of the beheadings as far more than just alternative veiwpoints to the Republican Party. If you consider an american having his head cutoff as the eastern perspective than you’re not being honest.
I see a difference between having a cameraman present at a killing and having a video sent to you.

I see repeated showings on Western TV of planes full of people crashing into buildings full of people as no less disgusting than other televised murders.

I see people wilfully ignoring the fact that 99.99% of al-Jazeera’s does not consist of filmed executions as being willing to lie smear and distort just to justify Republican Party foreign policy.
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