Al Quaeda nuclear threat

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Terror Expert: Nuclear Attack on U.S. 'All But Inevitable’
By Doug Patton
Talon News
November 30, 2004

JERUSALEM (Talon News) – An al Qaeda attack on the United States, using weapons of mass destruction, is “all but inevitable,” according to a counter-terrorism expert.

“All of the warnings we have today indicate that a major strike – something more horrible than anything we’ve seen before – is all but inevitable,” said Yossef Bodansky, former director of the U.S. Congressional Task Force on Terrorism and Unconventional Warfare, in an interview Sunday with the Jerusalem Post. The story was reported Monday by World Net Daily.

Bodansky is the author of “Bin Laden: The Man Who Declared War on America” and “The Secret History of the Iraq War.” He was in Israel for the second annual Jerusalem Summit, what the Post described as “an international gathering of conservative thinkers.”

Bodansky said that the number of Muslim extremists trained and ready to die in a jihad had grown to an astonishing 500,000 to 750,000. He also said he believes that because of the reelection of President George W. Bush, bin Laden is determined to launch another attack on the U.S., and that “they got the kosher stamp from the Islamic world to use nuclear weapons.”

“Just as the West was challenging the quintessence of Islam by means of the globalization era, there was a parallel need by Islamic extremists to strike at – and hurt – the core of American society, this time with weapons of mass destruction,” Bodansky said.

PS ~ how do we access the archived Politics Thread??? I wanted to re-read Gilliam’s Why we are in Iraq (to explain to some relatives & sound kinda smart!)
This article almost looks like the missing explosives story – presented as “late-breaking” news some 18 months after the fact.

Most statisticians will tell us that any eventuality that has a probability greater than zero has a probability approaching one over a long enough run. In other words, if it CAN happen, wait long enough and it WILL happen.

Most intelligence analysts will tell us that capability, not intentions, is the key. People with capability can form new intentions in the twinkling of an eye – but people with intentions but no capability are not so volatile.

Terrorists have been seeking nuclear weapons from a long time – at least since the '70s. And once they have them, they won’t sit on them – be sure of that. And nothing we have done will change their motivation in that regard.

As a by-the-by, I wonder where he gets his figures of an increase of “trained and ready to die” terrorists by 250,000? If you look at the expansion of armies in times of great crisis (WWI and WWII) a 50% increase in “trained and motivated” troops in such a short time would be quite a feat.
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