Alabama - God's country

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The fact is that homosexual marriages are simply not the same as heterosexual ones. The primary purpose of a marriage is to produce a family (i.e. children). There are, of course, some heterosexual couples who are infertile and unable to produce a family naturally (which is not to say they shouldn’t get married), but a homosexual couple can literally never produce a family together. It’s merely an imitation of a marriage.

As far as I’m concerned, marriage in the United States is no longer legally recognized. Everyone now has a legal domestic partnership. Marriage is truly left to the church - as it should be.
Please do. We love living here. The Grotto and the Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament are amazing. The Diocese of Birmingham Alabama is a great place to be Catholic in the South. Lots of great parishes and Catholic schools. There is Our Lady Help of Christians in Huntsville which is 100% Extraordinary form. Also St Michael’s in St Florian that was never renovated during the 70s.
That’s it. I’m going to Alabama on vacation. Oktoberfest in Cullman 🍻🇩🇪 Latin Mass at Christ the King Abbey, Ave Marie Grotto, OLAM Shrine.
Be sure to come to the Community Band Oktoberfest concert (I play principal euphonium) 😃

Edit: Also, Sacred Heart is only three blocks south of the festival site; stop in and look around. I think you’ll ❤️ it 😃

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I love the South. Now I have several more places to visit next time we go. God bless Alabama!
The fact is that homosexual marriages are simply not the same as heterosexual ones. The primary purpose of a marriage is to produce a family (i.e. children). There are, of course, some heterosexual couples who are infertile and unable to produce a family naturally…
So what do you think is the purpose of infertile people getting married if the can’t ‘produce a family’?
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Please do. We love living here. The Grotto and the Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament are amazing. The Diocese of Birmingham Alabama is a great place to be Catholic in the South. Lots of great parishes and Catholic schools. There is Our Lady Help of Christians in Huntsville which is 100% Extraordinary form. Also St Michael’s in St Florian that was never renovated during the 70s.
Thanks for that (name removed by moderator)ut.

I’m from Europe and would like to vacation in Alabama, maybe next year. But I’m not sure which is the best part to go. Can you recommend anything? I’m especially interested in places with history, old colonial buildings, nice churches etc. Maybe staying in an old fashioned bed and breakfast and eating typical southern food. maybe somewhere where I can sit on a porch in a rocking chair. Somehow that’s how I imagine Alabama to be like, but maybe I’m totally wrong.
Huntsville is my favorite place that is inland Alabama. If you like the beach, I would recommend Fairhope.
Mobile Alabama is very old (for an American city). It was founded as a town in 1702. Lots of Spanish moss and historical buildings. I am sure there are many bed and breakfasts there too. There is an American Civil war museum. Mobile is also home to the Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception. Mobile was the first city to have the celebration of Mardi Gras. It has a very strong French and Spanish heritage but still very “Southern.”

Cullman Alabama is also a pretty unique and interesting place. It has Saint Bernard’s Abbey which is a Benedictine monastery and home to Ave Maria Grotto. Also in Cullman is the Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament which was founded by Mother Angelica.
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Please be careful of romanticizing any particular state.

Interesting things have been happening in Alabama lately and they’ve been a good example.
But they have a checkered past in some areas.
Also, they’re getting a lot of crap from some very powerful and well-funded groups.

What they need right now is lots of prayer and support and back-up from believers so they don’t cave.
From Huntsville here, like other places Alabama does bare the scars from past segregation and discrimination, but that is the past. In the 1970"s that mentality began to change and fade away, along with the KKK. Now we are a State that is historically charming yet on the cutting edge of new technology.

We embrace what is good about our past southern heritage like our beautiful small towns, our foods, the farms and country sides, and the majority Christian population (even if mostly Protestant). Racism is not welcome here any longer. What the majority of us native Alabamians despise now is the invasion of northern liberalism. That is the devil and the threat we face to keep our good southern qualities.
Maybe they didn’t know they were infertile prior to marriage. They could adopt, though that’s not really producing a family.
According to Catholic belief, the purpose of marriage is procreative AND unitive. Even if the first is not possible, the second is.
No offense to Alabamans and Alabamaphiles, but, in visiting Alabama once, I found it a little too much Gd’s country.
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So what do you think is the purpose of infertile people getting married if the can’t ‘produce a family’?
Do you suggest that the only part of raising children is the actual reproduction?
That there is nothing necessary from birth onward?
According to Catholic belief, the purpose of marriage is procreative AND unitive. Even if the first is not possible, the second is.
Not necessarily. If there are physical impediments to union then the unitive aspect is also out and the marriage is not considered to be valid. The union of a couple in that situation is considered exactly as the same as that of a homosexualy couple. Invalid.

One thing that’s just come to mind. What is the Catholic view on a couple who are in an invalid marriage (physical impediment to the unitive aspect) adopting children?
So what do you think is the purpose of infertile people getting married if the can’t ‘produce a family’?
Do you suggest that the only part of raising children is the actual reproduction?
That there is nothing necessary from birth onward?
Maybe you should look up the definition of infertile.
I will romanticize Alabama. Huntsville is always on the top lists of best cities in the United States. The natural beauty from mountains, swamps, rolling hills, and clean beaches is unsurpassed. EWTN and the Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament are little gems. The food is great and the people are generally nice and polite.
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