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I went to a party last nite had 2 beers and a shot of barcadi
i was tipsy but is that a sin. I didnt go over the top, and i believe i was under control, but the tipsy turning feeling made me uneasy because I felt like I was sinning.
Was getting tipsy your goal when you started drinking? If your only goal to have a couple of drinks in a social setting without a desire to get tipsy or 3 sheets to the wind…then no, you are not sinning…at least not a mortal sin…it would be venial at the most. Remember, in order for it to be a mortal sin, full intention must be present. Did your tipsy state lead you to commit other sins you normally wouldn’t commit?

WIth that said…learn your tolerance level or get a general idea of it, that way you can avoid these mishaps…if that is what your desire is.
I went to a party last nite had 2 beers and a shot of barcadi
i was tipsy but is that a sin. I didnt go over the top, and i believe i was under control, but the tipsy turning feeling made me uneasy because I felt like I was sinning.
Was getting tipsy your goal when you started drinking? If your only goal to have a couple of drinks in a social setting without a desire to get tipsy or 3 sheets to the wind…then no, you are not sinning…at least not a mortal sin…it would be venial at the most. Remember, in order for it to be a mortal sin, full intention must be present. Did your tipsy state lead you to commit other sins you normally wouldn’t commit?

WIth that said…learn your tolerance level or get a general idea of it, that way you can avoid these mishaps…if that is what your desire is.
And, are you of legal age to consume alcholic bevereges?
I usually stop drinking the moment I feel any effects of the alcohol. I have never drank an alcoholic drink specifically to get drunk in my life. I’m not saying I have never gotten drunk, but never on purpose.

I usually like beer with my hot dogs; Merlot with my steak; and saki with my sushi, and that’s about it. Or maybe a honk of brandy when I was commercial fishing 200 miles off the coast in winter, but that’s to buck up!

Just remember moderation at all times so you can enjoy the taste of a good alcoholic beverage.
I have always heard and im not sure if it is in the Bible or not , that God made wine to cheer man’s heart, or that men could cheer his heart. Anyone else hear of this? I dont personally feel drinking alcohol is a sin. How much is too much? I think that is an individual question. In the above situation, I dont think so because the poster didnt seem to have any behavior altering effects from it.
I have always heard and im not sure if it is in the Bible or not , that God made wine to cheer man’s heart, or that men could cheer his heart. Anyone else hear of this? I dont personally feel drinking alcohol is a sin. How much is too much? I think that is an individual question. In the above situation, I dont think so because the poster didnt seem to have any behavior altering effects from it.
Psalm 103 (104 in Protestant Bibles):
Thou waterest the hills from thy upper rooms: the earth shall be filled with the fruit of thy works: 14 Bringing forth grass for cattle, and herb for the service of men. That thou mayst bring bread out of the earth: 15 And that wine may cheer the heart of man. That he may make the face cheerful with oil: and that bread may strengthen man’s heart.
I went to a party last nite had 2 beers and a shot of barcadi
i was tipsy but is that a sin. I didnt go over the top, and i believe i was under control, but the tipsy turning feeling made me uneasy because I felt like I was sinning.
I would say no only because you realized that you may be going too far. You realized it and stopped before it went too far.

Everyone has different tolerances for alcohol and event between different types of alcohol. For me, I have no tolerance for Vodka, but I can drink Rum or Tequilla (within limits on both) without any problems.

Saying that. I rarely drink and it is usually when I am vacationing on a cruise.

Does this sound familiar:

"First the man takes a drink;

Then the drink takes a drink;

Then the drink takes the man!"

From a training film in a compulsatory alcoholics anonymous class in Navy bootcamp.
From my experience and observation…the only reason for doing shots is to get yourself and/or others intoxicated–fast. This is far different from casually sipping drinks in a social setting or enjoying a margarita with Mexican food or fine wine with great cuisine. If you think I’m off base…was there another reason for taking the shot?
Well…if someone has a higher tolerance and a shot will not effect them, and if you are at a table and someone orders a round of shots, you included, then it would be rude not to accept if you knew that shot would not cause you to be inebriated. Granted, if you know that shot will put you over the top, then decline it respectfully…but in the former case, I think it is ok to do in a social setting. Also if you use your logic, if someone drinks a rum & coke as opposed to a beer, you could say their only motivation is to get intoxicated faster, because Rum has a higher alcohol content…I am not saying you are wrong by any means…I am just saying each situation needs to be looked at in the context in which they took place in order to determine culpability.
Island Oak:
From my experience and observation…the only reason for doing shots is to get yourself and/or others intoxicated–fast. This is far different from casually sipping drinks in a social setting or enjoying a margarita with Mexican food or fine wine with great cuisine. If you think I’m off base…was there another reason for taking the shot?
having spent the greater part of my life around alcoholics and those who abuse alcohol, I can testify that the hallmark of the alcoholic is claiming he has a higher tolerance so he can drink more, and claiming no matter how much he drank, he was only tipsy, not drunk, and he was still in control. they even tell this to the cop who arrests them for killing a carload of people while he had it “under control”.
I work with drug addicts and have found alcohol is the least of the worlds problems in this area.
I believe social drinking is fine and only becomes a sin when your loose control over your will power and that could lead you into occasions of sin. The enviroment also plays a factor. We have monthly Masses in our chapel and always have a feast afterwards. Plenty of alcohol is consumed then by all including our Chaplain, a Dominican by the way. The festive nature this creates can only be seen as positive. Many a theological discussion is had into the wee hours of the morning and a good time is had by all. Compare this to say drinking at a nightclub where many a persons intentions are not honourable, this I think would endanger you to sin.
Personally I love my Shiraz which is a bother as My spritual Director is directed me to forego drinking for Lent, Sundays excluded of course, so goodbye Shiraz, tonight is your last night:crying:
Hell no, you didn’t sin, as long as you didn’t drink cheap stuff… there’s the sin. Stick with:

Tequila: Chinaco Anejo or El Tesoro de Don Phillipe Anejo
Bourbon: Blanton’s Single Barrel
Wine: Just about any as long as it isn’t a Merlot (GAG!), and doesn’t come in a box or a bottle with a screw-top.
Vodka: Grey Goose or Ketel One
Beer: Stick with microbrews, but avoid any of the spineless, weak-kneed stuff from Colorado breweries.

Party On!!!
When I was a child I drank as a child
Now that I am a man I’ve put away childish drinks

How could anything so wonderful…the fact that in all of Creation there are critters whose natural body functions produce a substance that preserves, disinfects, and eases man’s burdens……be a sin?

In the beer making process there is a stage when the kraeusen or froth develops on the top
In medieval times the monks called this the “God is good”
And God is good…because He gave us beer

a mass to thank God for beer
I’ve been told mortal sin from drunkenness is when you make an animal of yourself. You lose control, can’t make decisions etc.

So when you can think straight but can’t walk straight, I don’t know if it’s a sin at all unless scandal is attached, you’re breaking a vow etc etc. Almost surely not a mortal one. Plus some people will make a sin of drinking if you’re below the legal age for drinking in the place where you are drinking.

Any effects is strange - I don’t understand that. One feels any effects already after the first cup of wine even if he can function more or less normally after three bottles.

I’m pretty sure that even those famous beer-making friars intend to get tipsy when they get around to drinking. Not roaring drunk, but tipsy.
Ah, but there is quite a difference between drinking and being drunk

A distinction that is often lost in modern times 😦

Only amateurs abuse God’s gift and loose control

There is a whole class of Lenten beers brewed especially by the monks to help them through fast days

Remember: Beer is liquid bread
Hell no, you didn’t sin, as long as you didn’t drink cheap stuff… there’s the sin. Stick with:

Tequila: Chinaco Anejo or El Tesoro de Don Phillipe Anejo
Bourbon: Blanton’s Single Barrel
Wine: Just about any as long as it isn’t a Merlot (GAG!), and doesn’t come in a box or a bottle with a screw-top.
Vodka: Grey Goose or Ketel One
Beer: Stick with microbrews, but avoid any of the spineless, weak-kneed stuff from Colorado breweries.

Party On!!!
FINALLY, the clear voice of REASON!!!


Do you save your “Blanton’s” bottles and display them??? (or did you give that up long ago because you ran out of room)??? 😉 Candy in a bottle…

[The LORD brings] bread from the earth, and wine to gladden our hearts, Oil to make our faces gleam, food to build our strength (Psalm 104:15 NAB)… and coffee to sober up! :coffee:

The only thing from Colorado in my fridge is a 12-pack of Coors for less discriminating guests…

But seriously, consumption of alcohlic beverages should be done with responsibility and handled sensitively - especially around those who have problems with alcohol.

“Tipsy” = “merry” in my book (just don’t be driving)… Getting “falling-over-puke-drunk-sick” is another story - and “mortal sin” if done intentionally, according to one examination of conscience. Somewhere in between is the grey area of when you’re no longer in control in which the social setting plays a big factor as noted in other posts.
FINALLY, the clear voice of REASON!!!


But seriously, consumption of alcohlic beverages should be done with responsibility and handled sensitively - especially around those who have problems with alcohol.

“Tipsy” = “merry” in my book (just don’t be driving)… Getting “falling-over-puke-drunk-sick” is another story - and “mortal sin” if done intentionally, according to one examination of conscience. Somewhere in between is the grey area of when you’re no longer in control in which the social setting plays a big factor as noted in other posts.
All true. Fortunately for me:
A): I’ve long ago stopped drinking (and doing other things!) to excess, and
B): Even if I wanted to, the booze I like costs WAY too much to get drunk with!

Ahh yes, Blanton’s… And Jack Daniels has the colossal NERVE to bill itself as “sippin’ whiskey”!!
Ok, I know alcohol is not immoral in and of itself as long as it’s in moderation, but should we really mess with it. I love this quote from the Catholic Encyclopedia:
From a sociological standpoint, we are compelled by incontrovertible evidence to acknowledge that it is of all causes the most frequent source of poverty, unhappiness, divorce, suicide, immorality, crime, insanity, disease, and death.
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