This is what the thread was centred around :
All of us, even non Christians, decided we would sin/break the covenant with God at first creation, and then we all crucified the Son of God.
Is this what we really believe? Did we really do this by our own hand?
It’s not about not needing God etc, it was about our involvement in Adam and Eve’s choice, that because we are descendants of this first couple we must have inherited their way of turning away from God.
And as sinners , we also are responsible for Jesus’ death.
What we inherit is Adam’s human nature. I just posted some thoughts about human nature. Post 42.
Our human nature describes the elements that make us real. We are real in time and space because we have a physical anatomy. We are real in the spiritual world because we have a real rational spiritual soul. Our human nature is such that body and soul are uniquely united so that the union itself is our true human nature.
Our human nature tells us what is different between the animals and ourselves. Human nature, Genesis 1: 27 is why Adam could be in a friendship relationship with a Divine Creator, aka State of Original Holiness.
Human nature includes the ability or capability of intellective free choice. Our rational mind is constantly being used. Human nature includes our very own individual spiritual soul. Human nature means that God loves us an important unique individual person. “unique individual person” is what I am and you are.
Adam is a person with a human nature. We are persons with a human nature. When we are conceived, we do not receive the personhood mother or personhood father. We receive their human nature.
Our involvement with Adam’s choice is possible because we have the same human nature. We are not the same person nor do we receive the personhood of Adam. We receive Adam’s human nature at conception which includes the Catholic Church teaching that the necessary spiritual soul is immediately created by God.
Do we receive our parents’ sins? There were ancient times when people believed that. Fortunately, that kind of thinking has been dismissed. Sins belong to the person. It is human nature which give the person the choice of committing or rejecting sin.
Adam was created as a person with human nature. Adam scorned his Creator and thus he committed the Original Sin. Adam’s extremely serious disobedience changed his human nature which was in the State of Friendship with his Creator aka State of Original Holiness to a State of Deprivation of Original Holiness. This is also known as the contracted State of Original Sin. Basically, Eve and Adam’s human nature was affected. Their affected human nature was transmitted as normal propagation.
The internet is full of questions – Why didn’t God do this or that? That mean old God! A human father would do better.
Maybe the unity of a single human nature was necessary for all persons to eventually experience the eternal joy of the Beatific Vision.
Obviously the idea that “All sinned in Adam” (thread topic) is in human minds.
Maybe the better idea is that all can participate in God’s life because of Adam human nature.