So if dogs haves four legs, then that animal over there with four legs is a dog?
Facts are true in the sense that they are indisputable statements about reality. If I say ‘There is a pen on my desk’ is a statement of fact, totally independent of any other considerations (it also happens to be true).
But if you say that lying is wrong, then it is not a fact but is entirely dependent upon the situation. You might give an example where you would get universal agreement on the truth value of any given statement but that doesn’t, simply by everyone agreeing, make it a fact. If it did, then anything that had universal agreement would be a fact.
I am not ASSUMING universal agreement is what makes something right or wrong, true or false.
I would claim that the ground for truth is somewhat like what you claim is the ground for fact – the nature of underlying reality. You claim THAT ground is naturalistic or material, effectively begging the question.
I claim that the ground of reality is intentional, purposeful and supportive of qualitative truth. You think it isn’t and only give the fact that there is not universal agreement on the part of subjects as support for your position.
Effectively, you are using the negation of “simply by everyone agreeing, [doesn’t] make it a fact. If it did, then anything that had universal agreement would be a fact,” to claim that truth statements are relative (i.e., not universally agreed upon) to declare them to be “not facts.”
To proclaim that your view that only facts correspond to reality begs the question because it assumes eliminative materialism is, by default, the ground for reality. Merely by stating truths are relative (not universally agreed upon) does not prove they are. Which is essentially what you rely on – an assertion that facts are indisputable and therefore true but truth statements are disputable and, therefore, relative.
You don’t seem to see that your use of “indisputable” simply means universal agreement, so the ground you have for not allowing truth statements even if they are universally agreed upon is essentially the same ground you claim for allowing facts because they are indisputable, i.e., universally agreed upon. It is a little sleight of hand maneuver on your part.