have any of you had any experience with the alpha course/ taken it? helped lead it?
my parish is wanting to start it soon, I’ve heard of it but never taken it before. they also want volunteers.
I realize that it’s technically not a specifically catholic tool but it’s supposed to be really basic that most Christians can agree on contents. would there be anything problematic doctrinally? I guess if catholic parishes host it, probably not right?
I’m thinking of helping out but just wanted to know if anyone had anything to say about it before I did so
So you are just helping. Have the main organizers been trained to use this module? They should be - it is about a couple of days course as to what, why and how of the Alpha.
It is very basic Christian teaching, nothing that contradict Catholicism but it is not very Catholic either. The program’s purpose is an introduction to Christianity thus instead of one does the evangelizing, the program has its own speaker shown on screen and giving the (name removed by moderator)ut.
Thus you can bring those who are interested in Christianity and as it is not supposed to be threatening, participants can be quite relax. The important factor is the dynamic - it is ongoing for some say, twelve weeks, and each session starts with a fellowship of simple meal, then listen to talk (on screen) and then participants are divided into small group discussion about the talk. There are guide questions that need to be discussed on.
If you are a helper, you are more a facilitator, with registration, setting up the venue, greeter and as one of the members in group discussion, albeit incognito. The discussion is very free, not a teaching but allowing participant to speak out whatever that strike them. Over time there will be bond in friendship.
Alpha course is not charismatic. It is very natural. There is great effort to ensure that it remains so, otherwise it defeats its own purpose.
There would be follow up after the initial Alpha, and for those, you can have purely Catholic (name removed by moderator)ut - like Sacraments, prayers, Bible or the Catholic Church. Yes, Bishop Baron has a series of talks by him, or theologian like Scott Hann.
It allows participants the opportunity to come to church, make friends and over time may decide to enter Church life or be baptized for the non-Catholics or if they decide to they can enter RCIA first.