there are several threads on this topic. The Alpha course was developed by an Anglican preacher, Nicky Gumbel, who has a charismatic background. It presents the basics of Christian belief, as contained in the Apostles Creed in 8-10 videos and discussion sessions, ending with a retreat about the Holy Spirit. The presentations and course materials themselves are not charismatic in content. They are intended for those who have never heard the Christian message. As initial proclamation of the gospel in a format, beginning with a shared meal, designed to attract people who would not otherwise go to Church, they are excellent. There is indeed and Alpha for Catholics program and training, also Alpha on Campus, in Spanish, for youth, for prison ministry.
Any Catholic parish looking for an adult evangelizaton program should look into Alpha. Then follow up with a good program on Catholic doctrine, such as Touching Jesus through the Sacraments. But there is little point in presenting the sacraments to people who have never even heard of Jesus Christ. Neither Alpha or Touching Jesus replaces RCIA or adult catechesis for sacraments, but are very good for the inquiry phase of the process.