Am I Alone?

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I completely agree with those who have said that YOU should start something. I say that because that’s what I did.
While this is a good idea… the thing is that God gives some people talents to start groups, some people to help to maintain them, others to administrate, others to help out with wellbeing and spirituality of te group, and yet others who don’t have talents with working with groups at all. We can only do what we can do. If God called others to improve the parish and they didn’t do it, that doesn’t mean that someone else will automatically be able to do it. (This is what I’ve found when I’ve tried to start groups and initiatives, that I just can’t do it, it needs someone else to do it, because I don’t have the skills).

On the other hand, if you feel up to it, give it a go - you can’t really lose anything by trying to improve your parish.
While this is a good idea… the thing is that God gives some people talents to start groups, some people to help to maintain them, others to administrate, others to help out with wellbeing and spirituality of te group, and yet others who don’t have talents with working with groups at all. We can only do what we can do. If God called others to improve the parish and they didn’t do it, that doesn’t mean that someone else will automatically be able to do it. (This is what I’ve found when I’ve tried to start groups and initiatives, that I just can’t do it, it needs someone else to do it, because I don’t have the skills).

On the other hand, if you feel up to it, give it a go - you can’t really lose anything by trying to improve your parish.
I truly mean no disrespect by this question, but what kind of skill does it take to get together with some people to discuss a book? Perhaps the groups you were trying to start were far more complicated than anything I’ve done. I’m a born follower, not the leader type at all. Doing a simple book study is as easy as…dare I say easier than…fallin’ off a log. 🙂

In Christ,
Nancy 🙂
It’s true that God calls all people to holiness but some are called in a greater way. Some aren’t satisfied with cumpulsory involvement. While attending to basic church needs is extra-ordinary in it’s own way, I think people like Nathan and many others are called to something bigger? What is that bigger thing? Idon’t know. Sometimes it seems there is a great need to reform whole parishes. I feel this way about my own parish and I left because of the lack of reverance and consistency and other atrocities which I won’t get into now, no need. My conversion after being gone for 25 years was massive, and this “signal” calling, if you will, seems to grow more and more each day. I don’t feel like I’m better than other Cath’s, no indeed, but when I talk to other cath’s I do feel a lot different in the way I feel about this great church, orthodoxy and moral issues and the like. Me and 2 friends decided to start a rosary at a nuetral site which we converted into a chapel of sorts, and we now are seeing this grow. We have people bring their petitions and we all pray. And now they are staying longer for a chaplet. One guy is now going to go into seminary as a result of God working through these prayers(he’s a group member). We also go downtown on Sundays and feed the poor. My 2 kids are involved in these things also. Nathan, don’t be a mediocre Catholic, although I’m 43 I feel much in common with you. Humility first. God might have you bring together older people because they need to experience your zeal. Sometimes what you think is the opposite of what God does. Humility, listen to the teaching of the church and prayer…you will discern His will in this way and be on your way. I feel God is calling me back to the parish I left…Ican imagine why…but Jesus reforming a parish through me? I’m not worthy, but able yes. Read all you can. The saints did great things and we are all called to be **great **saints.

Peace and love
I truly mean no disrespect by this question, but what kind of skill does it take to get together with some people to discuss a book? Perhaps the groups you were trying to start were far more complicated than anything I’ve done. I’m a born follower, not the leader type at all. Doing a simple book study is as easy as…dare I say easier than…fallin’ off a log. 🙂

In Christ,
Nancy 🙂
It needs people skills. Need me to write a computer program? I can do it - it might take some skill to be able to speak the computer’s language and break it down into stpes, but at least the computer listens to everything you tell it. With people, it is different. I can’t start a bible study group or a youth group purely all by myself (you can’t have a 1 man group) - I need the cooperation of others. Some people have the skills of ‘selling’ the idea to other people, or skills of encouraging their cooperation, or the skill of making them feel more comfortable in a group, or the skill of advertising effectively to large amounts of people. Others, like me, find it hard enough to talk to someone about the weather let alone get their cooperation in starting a group!
It needs people skills. Need me to write a computer program? I can do it - it might take some skill to be able to speak the computer’s language and break it down into stpes, but at least the computer listens to everything you tell it. With people, it is different. I can’t start a bible study group or a youth group purely all by myself (you can’t have a 1 man group) - I need the cooperation of others. Some people have the skills of ‘selling’ the idea to other people, or skills of encouraging their cooperation, or the skill of making them feel more comfortable in a group, or the skill of advertising effectively to large amounts of people. Others, like me, find it hard enough to talk to someone about the weather let alone get their cooperation in starting a group!
Lay contemplatives! By gosh, devoting their lives(spiritual) to prayer and penance while keeping journals of their journey for others to benefit from at a later time and place? being in the world yet devoted in this way, now this might be an idea for those unable to discuss the weather, and a real way to serve His Church (not ours). Sometimes we seem devoted to what we want to do, instead of what God wants. Some are completely changed however, and marvel at what God has done to them, doing things they never thought posssible.

Peace and Love

At your age many are seeking God in other things, that’s why your age group are not busting the doors down in your parish…you have been blessed with Faith. That being said, there might be several of your peers thinking the same thing. If you have the willingness, God will assist you in gathering your peers. If your parish doesn’t have a young adults group (18-35) like the other said, talk to the pastor to begin one.

Alone? No. You have all the angels and the saints on standby all the time.

God bless.

in XT.
NO Nathan, Jocelyn and others you are not alone. There is a Vatican approved Catholic ministry called CFC-Singles for Chrsit (SFC):

CFC Singles for Christ
aims to provide a Christian support environment for single men and women who are as the crossroads of their state of life, choosing between marriage, a religious vocation, or single blessedness.

Singles for Christ as a support environment teaches the individual the right values to build their future on; surrounds the individual with friends who are well-meaning and have a positive influence; provides the individual with opportunities to meet potential partners in life who believe in the same Christian goals and values; involves the individual in service that prepares them for the responsibility of marriage and family life; and, helps those with a vocation for the priesthood or religious life to discern their calling.

SFC uses a three-pronged evangelization approach: Attraction, Retention and Transition.

Attraction establishes creative ways of bringing single men and women to community. Retention keeps members actively involved through community life experience and innovative formation.

Transition involves the proper transition of youth to singles and singles to couples.
Depending where in the world you are, their may be a group near you. If not, SFC will help you set up and sustain a group and help you with the world-wide network of SFC members.

If you would like more information, please e-mail or PM me.
So what’s the matter with hanging out with us old geezers? We’re involved in a prayer group and have a couple of single folks in it. We all benefit from each other. They get invited to all the family functions such as BD parties, baptism celebrations, World Series bashes, etc., etc., etc. Aside from us, they have their own friends as well.

Hang in their & never ever give up on your faith.

God Bless You,
Quaere Verum
Seek the Truth
Quaere Verum:
So what’s the matter with hanging out with us old geezers? We’re involved in a prayer group and have a couple of single folks in it. We all benefit from each other. They get invited to all the family functions such as BD parties, baptism celebrations, World Series bashes, etc., etc., etc. Aside from us, they have their own friends as well.

Hang in their & never ever give up on your faith.

God Bless You,
Quaere Verum
Seek the Truth
Quaere Verum:

Good point. Sometimes we forget that we really should extend ourselves to knowing the ones younger and older than us. Families communicate this way and as the universal family we are enriching ourselves by being available to all age groups. Good call.

in XT.
It needs people skills. Need me to write a computer program? I can do it - it might take some skill to be able to speak the computer’s language and break it down into stpes, but at least the computer listens to everything you tell it. With people, it is different. I can’t start a bible study group or a youth group purely all by myself (you can’t have a 1 man group) - I need the cooperation of others. Some people have the skills of ‘selling’ the idea to other people, or skills of encouraging their cooperation, or the skill of making them feel more comfortable in a group, or the skill of advertising effectively to large amounts of people. Others, like me, find it hard enough to talk to someone about the weather let alone get their cooperation in starting a group!
I’m no good at small talk either. I’m very introverted. I never in a million years would have thought I could lead a small group. But then again, it’s not about me and what I can do but about what God can do through me. God doesn’t call the equipped, he equips the called. Ya never know what you can do until you try. 🙂

In Christ,
Nancy 🙂

I’ve only been catholic for a year. I’m 23. I go to mass. I go to the adults bible study. I go to the blue army processions. I go to holy hours. I spend a lot of time involved with church. Other than that I go to school, and the occasional party.

I’m thoroughly saddened by a few things though. One, where are all the other catholics 20-25?? I suppose a bunch are cradle catholics and are married (I see them in mass). I don’t see any in the bible studies or around church. I see the young kids and high school students. There’s lots of resources for CYM. Yet nothing for people my age. It’s very lonely. Not that I became catholic to be popular. I believe it to be the truth. Which I prefer to protestant rock concerts and whatever else they have. Everyone I know at church is much much older though. Some people tend to be very condescending as well, but that’s just… Being humble sometimes involves NOT showing that your smarter than someone.

Also, I really question the faith of these people sometimes. The ones who truly believe it’s clear. I can see it in their eyes and the way they treat people. Some people just seem like (excuse me) kissasses. Trying to look good to better their image while being so…cold.

I dunno. I just hate that. I wanna scream sometimes, like, “Do you believe at all!!!”. How come you don’t get this, it’s not that hard?? Love each other. It’s not about image, or class, or…ugh.

anyway. I’m done. Anyone feel the same way?
I absolutely did when I was in your age group. It was tough and it was lonely…and it paid off. You are not alone. Hang in there, my brother in Christ.
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