Am I an illusion?

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So in becoming like God we cease to have any residue of our earthly personalities do you think? This is what I’m calling the self, ‘I’.
Even earthly personality is also an expression of God’s creativity and a wondrous thing. The illusion is in thinking that is all we are. The illusion is in believing our individual personality and ego has priority and must be defended and preserved at all costs. Love, empathy and altruism are antidotes to this illusion. See others as part of yourself and yourself in others (solidarity).
The illusion is in believing our individual personality and ego has priority and must be defended and preserved at all costs.
This is the great barrier to scale but I think it is best done not by sheer force of will but by gentleness, empathy and yes love. The ego is like a terminator in some ways, it will not relent by force but if we align ourselves with God through developing our true love for Him and by extension to all I think it will succumb because it has been diminished. I’m sure this is what the saints experienced but it’s not done by false construct, it’s only achievable I think slowly and by sincerity and strong belief in God which gives it impetus. To help we have the Sacraments and through prayer the assistance of the Holy Catholic Church, Our Heavenly Father, Our Lord Jesus, Our Lady and all the saints and angels of Heaven. If we have these things, how can we fail.

Thank you to everyone who has helped me understand today, I am most grateful.
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Yes, the ego does not need to be damaged or annihilated but rather realigned and integrated into divine life.
Perhaps when it senses there is no danger to its existence it loosens its grip. I seem to remember that to some extent the mongols were subsumed by the Chinese, integrated and as such became Chinese. Since they were to all intents and purposes Chinese they were no longer enemies, and the struggle ceased.

If I’m wrong about the history nevertheless there seems to be some merit in this approach for our purposes.
It’s something that bugs me. If the I that I know is but ephemeral organic material and has mind born of such, and the soul is spirit which belongs to The Creator, God, then am I not a temporary custodian and so ‘I’ an illusion?

(Any answers but ideally based on Catholic beliefs please.)
God gives us what we are, true. But we are that which he gives.

Now its time for me to say something crazy…

…I am a thought blasting from the end of an elephants nostril!!!.
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I am a thought blasting from the end of an elephants nostril!!!.
That’s not crazy, I completely understand, er…no I don’t? Unless you mean that …no it’s gone again.

How so? Please elucidate.
That’s not crazy, I completely understand, er…no I don’t? Unless you mean that …no it’s gone again.

How so? Please elucidate.
Don’t fall in to the trap of trying to make sense of crazy. lool. Down the rabbit hole we go.
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That’s funny, you had me there! Yes I know what you mean, it can turn your mind inside out if you’re not careful. Having thought about these things yesterday I woke up at five in the morning wide awake and wrestling with it. That happened for a reason I’m sure, but that feeling when your mind is tired of the fight is where God can enlighten you, when your defences are down and you let Him in. I’m very grateful that I became a Catholic it’s brought me such treasures I can’t tell you.

I’m sure we all feel the same. Thanks for lightening my mood, humour can be a great release.
and also

the importance that we give to our opinions, like and dislikes, attractions and repulsions, all that is part of the hyper-identification with the ego. What did Jesus mean when he said, I have overcome the world." John 16:33
he overcame himself and his reaction to the world. THAT is liberation!
I’d just like to share something.
I had a very short dream. I was in my armchair and a boy of mine came into the house and stomped down the hallway talking very loudly to his mother, he was about twelve, quite noisy and disruptive and I saw that he looked like a mixture of two of my sons. He then stomped noisily into my lounge walked awkwardly over to me and leaning his heavy weight on my knees came close and smiling said “when am I leaving.” It wasn’t a question, I understood his statement to mean, I know I’m a pain and you’re wondering when I’m going to leave the house so you can get some peace.

Dreams like this amaze me. I’ve decided that I owe this child a lot and he is an aid to my salvation and I to his. I will hold his hand and together we’ll have more adventures I’m sure and though he may lead me into trouble from time to time we are kin and I love this unruly child.
Thank you, that’s heartening and illuminating.

So in becoming like God we cease to have any residue of our earthly personalities do you think? This is what I’m calling the self, ‘I’.
We will participate in the divine life, leaving our old life.

735 He, then, gives us the “pledge” or “first fruits” of our inheritance: the very life of the Holy Trinity, which is to love as "God [has] loved us."127 This love (the “charity” of 1 Cor 13) is the source of the new life in Christ, made possible because we have received “power” from the Holy Spirit.128
2517 The heart is the seat of moral personality …
Moderator, I did not withdraw this post.
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Happy anniversary! You might need to PM the mod or use the @ camoderator (without the space) to get their attention.
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