What is the religion you’d practiced? It seems to me that you are suffering under the burden of your sin; God’s Spirit was sent into the world to convict the world of its sin but the GREAT news is that He was sent to tell us of a Savior and a better way of life. God can and does forgive us our trespasses in Christ and calls us to new life in His Church. The suffering of Christ for each of your sins is calling you to His wounds to be healed and live a life of joy . . . you AND your family. We can’t continue to live in the ways that cause us the pain you describe and we must understand that new life can be ours. God allows us to suffer to bring us to Himself; God isn’t asking you to give up your family but to bring them to His loving healing! It seems frightening at first, but it’s only one step to Him, and He loves you more than you can fathom. If you want to talk privately, you can contact me. I’m praying for you.
Blessings . . .
Blessings . . .