Hi there, I am a highly sensitive person (HSP) and a traditional catholic, and still learning about this character strength, both to avoid getting overwhelmed all the time, but also to best serve my community. Unfortunately though, I have noticed that it comes with some problematic aspects as well, some of which I noticed yesterday at a mass gathering. So, after mass, my parish tend to share a nice meal together. That’s the time we get to do some bonding so to speak. Being highly sensitive, one thing I tend to do in social gatherings is observe my surrounding well. I pick up what sort of way people like to be treated and spoken to, what kind of influence they want to have on others to feel better about themselves, and what type of topics they favor most. Then, I subconsciously mirror that, and give them the social experience they desire. And I do this to everybody there, simultaneously, and add my own wit, humor and optimism to it, thus creating a more united and light hearted group. People tend to leave the mass feeling energized, uplifted and like they had a genuinely swell time, having me there. As much as I consider this an empathic strength, quite advantageous when being a woman and all, it comes at a cost. Not only do I not pick up on what is taking place in my surrounding, like losing appetite for food or forget my meal or not paying attention to the great wine I’m drinking, but I seem to be depleted after such an event. And what’s worse, throughout the event, I seem to degrade and demean myself for the sake of other people’s entertainment and thus put myself in positions that people can take advantage of, either to use against me or humiliate me with. I feel inferior, like I have a greater duty to certain excessive openness and honesty towards others that others don’t have towards me, such as controversial stories about how I was traumatized or used to rock a sinful hairdo. And I notice people know more about me than I know about them. Am I giving up my self-respect and integrity this way? What is happening to me, am I the mascot of the community, the bridge who is supposed to lay herself down and be walked upon? Where is the line drawn according to catholic morality, between what makes a person self-less and serving/loving their neighbor, and what makes them a doormat? Or is there nothing wrong being a doormat?