Am I the only one???

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I was like you too when I was your age (I’m 37). It’s not that I maybe didn’t want to, maybe I just didn’t do it, I don’t know. I was tempted for sure.

I had women fall all over me one summer when I was a lifeguard. Having sex with them would have been easy yet I didn’t.

I am not going to sit here and pretend it was all “piousness” and resolve. A lot of it was fear of AIDS, pregnancy and such. Maybe shyness too.

Look at it this way - you are a different cut because you don’t follow the crowd and beleive me, the “crowd” is into premarital sex.

That makes you a leader.

Welcome to the club. I have been pretty sucessful since then and I am now a leader. I guess that is lonely sometimes and people will ridicule you. It sounds like they know you are involved with a girl and yet know you are a committed Catholic and want to test you and see if they can embarrass you. Try using humor to disarm them.

I think it is a sign of things to come - you will be a leader. The wife, white house and picket fence are admirable goals.

You will achieve them.
Whoa. would i be glad if there were guys like you were i lived, then i could actually start courting and not just do the typical,hey lets go fool around dating scene, which is why i chose to be homeschooled in the first place. but seriously, your gf doesn’t know how lucky she is, and the only secret underground(well actually above ground in this case) brainwashing facility i know of, is the norbertine sisters convent in tehachapi, CA. that’ll get you quick… 👍

well any body know of some good catholic young man with ARGH’s point of view on chastity, who can ride horses, play music and is into video games. hehe. 😛
peace out and HAPPY BIRTHDAY Argh

your not the only one out there, it just seems that way every single day :eek:
Part 1

Argh, just want to share my experience to give you and any others in the same situation some encouragement.

In my bachelor days, society told me that I was missing out on my “sexual peak.” My silence when my peers bragged about their sexual activities could seem deafening. I had even heard from girls, including my former girlfriend, that something must be “wrong” with me or that I was a gay, just because I wouldn’t “prove” I am a man. I was labeled as being “old-fashioned” and “conservative”. It was just irritating that no one seemed to understand my lonely struggles to remain pure in the 21st century, but I knew that eventually my wife would treasure it. And in the end, my wife IS that only someone who matters.

I did not have to prove anything to anybody. Now the truths are gradually unfolding to the world around me that nothing was wrong with my manhood or that I was a gay just because I chose to remain pure before marriage. I was married in St Francis Xavier Church, PJ, in September 2004. At our 1 1/2 hour Nuptial Sung Mass which was extremely meaningful with the beautiful liturgy last September, I could literally stand tall and hold my head high; real high, as my wife & I conferred the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony on each other without any reservations or guilt whatsoever.

As I stood before the altar and watched my bride entering the church, the feeling was extremely overwhelming and awesome - I shed a silent tear of a joy; a joy that nobody could give me except the Lord. All the years of waiting had finally come to pass and I could give myself in TOTAL to my bride in the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony before God, and proudly respond “I DO” to the marriage vows instead of “I DID”! We could participate, confer and receive the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony fully at the Wedding Liturgy in its fullness and richness, and not just go through it as some ritual to solemnise, rectify and ratify some things that had gone wrong.

At my wedding reception, again I was able to hold my head high and stand tall when my toastmaster gave a surprise to everyone including me by announcing to the 330 odd guests and relatives in the ballroom, that I was a virgin. On our wedding night, I could speak the language of the body-person to my wife: “No one but you, my beloved wife, has gone this way before and no one but you my beloved wife, will ever go this way again. I in-you me, now place my entire being within you, in the deepest recesses of your being”, thus consummating our marriage that same night. The feeling and joy was indescribable; believe me, it is much, much, much more than just some cheap sensual thrills and feelings of sexual intercourse as an activity.

My wife & I are now beginning to enjoy the graces from God for being faithful to the teachings of the Catholic Church on purity and chastity before marriage, marriage itself and openness to life. Right now my wife is in her 7th month of pregnancy and God willing, I will be the proudest “papa” soon. Our baby was definitely planned by God, a miracle of love, sealing our marital union with a nuptial gift who will come into the world soon God-willing, who is fresh, original, unique, inviolable, and never ever to be given again, nor will the identical gift be given to another person. Where people used to laugh at me previously for choosing to remain pure before marriage, I now have the last laugh – God willing I will laugh all the way to the delivery ward to receive my child.

(see Part 2 for continuation)
Part 2

I know that by having saved myself for my wife, there will be no comparing her with someone from the past. I will have no haunting memories of mistakes to weigh me down from the giving of myself totally to her. How I have lived my life in my bachelor days, now determines the kind of man I am becoming, and the kind of man my wife will spend the rest of her life with. I now have a Holy language to communicate our love for each other, that only my wife and I will share in the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony, which is how God intended it to be!

I quote our beloved late Pope John Paul II In the “The Magnificent Commitment of Marriage”, where the Pope said:

“Do not be deceived by the empty words of those who ridicule chastity or your capacity for self-control. The strength of your future married love depends on the strength of your present commitment to learning true love, a chastity which includes refraining from all sexual relations outside of marriage…

Helped by God’s grace in the Sacraments of Penance and the Eucharist, “be strong and of good courage” (Dt. 31:6). The Pope urges you to commit yourself to this spiritual revolution of purity of body and heart. Let Christ’s redemption bear fruit in you! The contemporary world needs this kind of revolution!"

Inside marriage sexual intimacy is a beautiful thing. Outside, it hurts us, hurts our relationships and hurts our chances to find love.

Argh, God is an awesome creator and a generous giver. He has such an amazing plan for relationships and covenanted, married love. With my humble sharing here, I would urge you to humble yourself before Him and ask Him to show you how to have His best in your life. The journey is long and difficult, but the reward will be very great! Don’t give up! Strive for purity before you are married, so that you can experience married love in its entirety and with ALL the glory that God designed it to be, as my wife and I are experiencing right now!

Just tell your acquaintances or friends, “no, I am more of a man than that, I actually respect women.” or whatever else…

God Bless
Men who actually respect women are the ones who get the girl in the end. I get the creeps when I hear how guys talk to each other.

Now is the perfect time in your life to meet young women and have fun without the complications of intimacy. Pray about your vocation and God will bless you.
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