final task is we are completelly white, that God is in us, completelly ! can’t be that i have my own entity and in the same time i am with God 100 %. that is when somebody goes to Heavens - 100 % white, 100 % God’s will, no personal needs / wishes/ specialities, that means no personality, just a name, may be.
Since it seems you are saying you can not be you (in Soul) and with God at the same time (100%), that we have lost who we are (except name maybe), and have no desires (will) in that God is in us completely, is how I read this. Since neither of us have been there (yet), how does this passage from Mark 9 figure in: "And after six days Jesus took with him Peter and James and John, and led them up a high mountain apart by themselves; and he was transfigured before them, 3 and his garments became glistening, intensely white, as no fuller on earth could bleach them. 4 And there appeared to them Eli’jah with Moses; and they were talking to Jesus. 5 And Peter said to Jesus, “Master, it is well that we are here; let us make three booths, one for you and one for Moses and one for Eli’jah.” The question I ask here is how did Peter, James and John recognize Eli’jah and Moses? And want to make a booth for each, without asking Jesus who ‘those other two guy were’? What does remain of us (Soul) when we get to Heaven? Enough for recognition with just a look… but, was it a look through the eye’s of the Soul that knew who Eli’jah and Moses were in there Souls in heaven?
I do not believe we are enveloped by God once in heaven, like a rain-drop landing in the ocean. I look at it like we are bathed in the light of God’s glory, like being warmed by the sunlight, even though the Sun is 93 million miles away. How can the Angels praise and give glory to God if they are 100% in God? They have to be separate to do that; and they have to want to do that by there will; so they have more then a name in Heaven. There are other stories in the Bible that relate to a poor man who got to Heaven while a rich one landed in Hades… each knew the other according to how Jesus says it, but neither could cross over. How did they each recognize each other?
Yes, we will have no more bodily needs, nor mental needs (we will know), and our Souls (Spiritual) needs are filled by God… so we will not need, we will have. But that will not remove our Souls Personality. And even here on Earth, our Souls Spiritual needs are filled by God… perhaps in Church; perhaps reading the Bible; perhaps through others (doing Gods will); perhaps a walk in the woods with Nature (God’s handiwork); perhaps playing with a dog (one of God’s creations); perhaps doing Gods will toward others (Charity); perhaps in other ways, God is not limited!
So, to me, the Soul maintains ones essential personality in the here-after… whether white, black, blue, green or red. Our Soul lives on… in one fashion or another… we decide by how we live in the here and now. And it is our Soul, you can not trade it for another, or swap it out, but you can dress it up, with God’s help… so one day you can bask in His (Full) Glory.