i found something from Matthew 16
- Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any [man] will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.
- For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.
In 24, it would seem that the ‘deny himself’ would cause the suffering of ‘take up his cross’. Meaning, we are not doing what we want to do… but, don’t we want to ‘follow’ Him, do as He will’s? To say, we are doing His bidding, not liking it, and would rather not, implies reluctance and that our Heart is not with it.
In 25, we have to look at different things here. How many “aspects” of life are there? Let’s say Body-Mind-Soul. If in the saving of the body we loose our Soul… in the loosing of our body we save out Soul (find it)… one cannot save his body and also loose his body, it is the various aspects that are lost or found.
If I always live from my mental thoughts and repress the other aspects of my being, how cold that is. If I always live from my Heart and repress the other aspects, how warm and emotional that is. If I always live from my Soul sensations and repress the the other aspects, how out of this world it is. You see what I’m saying here, we are a ‘blend’ of aspects the way God made us, and living life is a learning experience further shaping us. And the Good Lord put me here TO BE HERE, not to be ignoring the balance He has created in me. But to be using it, to shed some of the dark items and grow some of the lighter items. By ignoring the gifts that God has created (we ourselves… others… his world), what are we telling God? All the while looking to Heaven, but ignoring Earth. We may have said not a word, but our actions (reluctance to enjoy His creation) speaks. And our reluctance to learn the lessons He is trying to teach us also speaks without saying a word. And what are we here for? Simply: to know, love and serve God. The know comes from the Soul; the love comes from the Heart/Mind; the serve comes from the Body (in the here and now). How He made us and where we are.
On a side note; language and relativity.
If the ground is scorched and dry, we say the rain is good. If we are in water up to our knees, we say the rain is bad. If it’s been cloudy for a week, we say the sunshine is good. If it’s been sunny for a week (making the ground dry), we say it is bad.
What is 60 degree’s? If coming from 90 degrees it’s cold, if coming from 30 degrees it’s hot. How can the same 60 degrees be both of the opposites, hot and cold?
If our suffering on Earth ‘feels’ like Purgatory, is it? Earth is where we ask for God’s forgiveness/ Mercy and it is done. In Purgatory the asking is over and all that is left is the time remaining till the process is done. A little story told to me when younger is relevant here. It goes like this: I felt bad because I had no shoes… then I saw a man who had no feet. How bad is bad? How good is good? It is ‘Relative’ to where we have been. Can some bad be good? Can some good be bad? Again, it depends. Can two people be doing the same thing, and one is doing it reluctantly while the other willingly? Doesn’t God look at the Heart of the person? And where does the Heart get it’s direction? Perhaps the Soul… with God’s Love touching it lightly. Could it be that in the presents of God’s Love, our own Love looks like nothing, making us ‘feel’ bad, saying we have a long way to go yet. If it weren’t for Our Soul, that would be so… but it is through the rest of our aspects that Our Soul gives back to God. And that is all He asks of us in the here and now. The Heart-Felt Will to do just that.