Amazon ---What will Pope Francis Choose

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I’m not at all surprised they have witches making shoes for kids. I referred to the pokemama series because it makes it obvious that they were made aware that this was going to take place, or rather that the folks at Netflix were informed to make the cartoon prior to pokemama being revealed at the Vatican by those behind the brouhaha at the Vatican in order to have it ready to roll out. None of this is coincidental and all of it is diabolical.
I think it came out in May. It’s still not the kind of coincidence in which I believe.
What is the objection to an Amazonian rite? If Western Europe and its descendants can have a Latin rite, and Greek East has its own rite, and they Syriacs, melkites etc can have their own rites, why can’t the amazonians?
But What makes Amazonians so exclusive?
Thing is, many of them have already been exposed to Christ(ianity) and have converted
Paul spoke to Athenian Pagans - and Gave them Christ Resurrected…
And the pope is still reeling in a real way - b/c of the Pachamama brouhaha…
There’s been intense Concerns re: This Synod… from Cardinals and Bishops too.

We still await whatever the pope shall do or not
  • now that he’s the Final Doc prepared by “advisors”
So… We shall see what we shall see…

We still await whatever the pope shall do or not
  • now that he’s the Final Doc prepared by “advisors”
So… We shall see what we shall see…
…Or more precisely (This is my speculation) the recommendations for the final document had been decided prior to this Synod. The participants were hand-selected to affirm forgone conclusions. Discussions/debates were heavily monitored and controlled. The final vote counts were just mere formality. What will come out in the eventual exhortation will mostly reflect the final document, and will be highly controversial—even predictably shocking. The liberals/progressives will rejoice, while the conservatives will ache.

The Amazon Synod will go down as having little to do with the well being of native Amazonian—but had more to do with advancing progressive agenda. The natives once again are used as props and PR stunts.
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…Or more precisely (This is my speculation) the recommendations for the final document had been decided prior to this Synod. The participants were hand-selected to affirm forgone conclusions. Discussions/debates were heavily monitored and controlled. The final vote counts were just mere formality. What will come out in the eventual exhortation will mostly reflect the final document, and will be highly controversial—even predictably shocking. The liberals/progressives will rejoice, while the conservatives will ache.
Could be.

That’s what’s been said by Prominent German Bishops
and IMHO - well-known Liberation theology dissident shepherds

MeanWhile, IMO - the pope’s behind the 8-Ball,
and those who were behind the Pachamama Brouhaha - shot themselves in the foot.

So… We shall see what we shall see…

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Could be.

That’s what’s been said by Prominent German Bishops
and IMHO - well-known Liberation theology dissident shepherds

MeanWhile, IMO - the pope’s behind the 8-Ball,
and those who were behind the Pachamama Brouhaha - shot themselves in the foot.

So… We shall see what we shall see…
Progressives in the Church want a “Synodic Church”, and have pushed for exhortations from synods to be magisterial. They have decided to use the synod rout to gradually change the Church to their liking. During Pope Francis’ pontificate, synods have occurred, and will be occurring more often, and the recommendations will be more daring, more progressive and more controversial as time goes by. Each time, the Magisterium is put on trial.
Progressives in the Church want a “Synodic Church”, and have pushed for exhortations from synods to be magisterial. They have decided to use the synod rout to gradually change the Church to their liking. During Pope Francis’ pontificate, synods have occurred, and will be occurring more often, and the recommendations will be more daring, more progressive and more controversial as time goes by. Each time, the Magisterium is put on trial.
Yes … Synodal… was repeated dozens of times in the Final Doc…

Seems as if some … are using the Amazonians as a jumping board for for the purpose of introducing Church-Wide Changes… Changes which have already been virtually promised by some - such as some German theologians of reknown - as a going to be “Shocker” … The same … who are in opposition to some things spoken of by Pope Benedict XVI…

MeanWhile, Many Catholics and Non-Catholics have been taking note of, and are very Concerned . with all of what’s gone down thus far with the Amazon Synod.
I don’t understand why this is not known more about Cardinal Sarah. I tried researching it yesterday and found only one site that seemed only an opinion area. wondering if this is fake news…time will tell.
It wasn’t a specific commission. Everyone is already aware that Cardinal Sarah had been hand picked by Pope Francis to head the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, five years ago with the task of reforming the reform. That Sarah would be handling the possible Amazon Rite was predictable.

Also, Cardinal Sarah is not anti Francis in any way. Just after all the hoo haa of anti Francis criticism about the garden ceremony, he made a point of responding…

The truth is that the Church is represented on earth by the Vicar of Christ, that is, the Pope.

He who is against the Pope is by that very fact outside the Church. The (Divine) Providence sees us very well, you know?”

I won’t be surprised at all to see him reinstated as head of the CDW when his term is up.
Yah. I have to admit the politics involved at the Vatican is beginning to wane my faith.
I understand and share your frustration. But I am comforted and encouraged by (although few) Cardinals, bishops, priests, religious and laymen who have spoken out in defense of Christ and the Magisterium.

This is nothing new. Historically, political fights and vicious internal struggles made their unimpressive marks in the Church. In fact, they were quite common, and continue to be. But, despite all human flaws and failures particularly in the hierarchy of the Church, the Holy Spirit has blessed the Church with saints and martyrs to keep the Church on course. Christ will never abandon the Church.
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We shall see what we shall see…

Already - Respected Cardinals and Bishops and more have expressed dire concerns

I am reminded of a quote from Pope Benedict: “We have to learn to believe again.” In my humble opinion, the crisis in the Church today is the crisis of fidelity to Christ at all levels—starting with the hierarchy. Random Catholics today lack knowledge of the most basic tenets of the Church. That’s a huge failure and is very telling about current state of the Church. Scriptures taught us to “seek ye first the kingdom of God and all its righteousness… and all things shall be added unto you…” The Catholic faith is simple and about one Person—Jesus Christ. In the midst of modern days’ complexity and sophistry, we often forget that Christ chose the apostles—simple, faithful men, peasants, fishermen—to spread the Gospels to all corners of the world. These men evangelized the world with their simple faith in Christ and with whatever they could carried with them.

Today, somehow the Church has gotten distracted by many fronts—social justice, climate change, culture tolerance, religious tolerance, gender agenda, etc…—that Christ is at risk of being irrelevant. To be fair, these fronts do have their own merits and good intents: We must care for the poor and comfort the afflicted; we must be good stewards of the earth; we must be sensible and respectful toward cultures and religions; we must fight prejudice and racism; etc…But, the Catholic Church has been and will always be about Christ. Without Christ as its head, the Catholic Church ceases to exist.
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