America Needs A Special Counsel To Investigate Election Integrity, Stat

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America Needs A Special Counsel To Investigate Election Integrity, Stat​

With credible allegations of fraud compounding by the day, the American people deserve a special counsel investigation to set the record straight.

By Frank Cannon and Terry Schilling

NOVEMBER 23, 2020

Well, it’s been decided. The powers that be have declared that Joe . . . Biden won, and it was legitimate. They’re sure of it. And no, they’re not taking any questions.

Everyone of goodwill in the country is now supposed to accept on faith that those overseeing the election process are reasonable and honorable people, bound by morality and our nation’s venerable norms. The political environment of this election has led elites to plot coups in the case of a Donald Trump victory, call for dissidents’ executions, and systematically suppress the distribution of evidence indicating blatant Biden family corruption.

Now, Democratic operatives are building watch lists and promising retribution in perpetuity for those who dared to support Trump. Nevertheless, we are supposed to believe that, in this climate, there would exist no motivation on the left for drastic measures to oust the supposed fascist.

We are also supposed to believe that election fraud has already been proven to be impossible, and that allegations of it therefore deserve little to no investigation. Social scientists declare ex cathedra that since election fraud has rarely been caught in other elections, it is impossible that any occurred in this one. The media additionally points out that there are a number of ballot-integrity measures in place, most of which they oppose, and many of which were done away with, which nevertheless ensure that it is impossible to conduct election fraud on anything but a negligible scale.

. . . as of now, there are plenty of reasons for concern.

Governments threw ballots out into the ether en masse . . .

. . . Voter rolls were not maintained, ballots were accepted without postmarks, signatures were not checked against records, and poll-watchers were denied the ability (sometimes, it seems, through trickery) to observe ballot counting—except, perhaps, from far enough away that they couldn’t see what was going on. For public health reasons, of course. . . .
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