Peter Wright:
Here is the concluding paragraph of one of the most prominent Darwinists(Richard Dawkins) in an article in the most recent issue(November, 2005) of “Natural History”:
“In any developing science there are disagreements. But scientists-and here is what separates real scientists from the pseudoscientists of the school of intellligent design-always know what evidence it would take to change their minds. One thing all real scientists agree upon is the fact of evolution itself. It is a fact that we are cousins of gorillas, kangaroos, starfish, and bacteria. Evolution is as much a fact as the heat of the sun. It is not a theory, and for pity’s sake, let’s stop confusing the philosophically naive by calling it so. Evolution is a fact.”
Evolution is a fact because Dawkins says so and you are not a real scientist and are philosophically naive if you believe anything else. So there.
Indeed, another portion of the article questions the existence of a creator. And he talks about all kinds of evidence for evolution but provides none.
Indoctrination. But, thankfully, it looks like the indoctrinators are getting very testy and defensive.
Amen Peter.The difference between education and indoctrination is the purpose of education is to give people information and teach the how to think through it. The purpose of indoctrination is to give people information and tell them what to think about it. Public schools do not educate our kids, they indoctrinate them. If they were truely interested in education, they would give them all possible theories on universal genesis and allow the kids to think through them and come to their own conclussions.
Here is the concluding paragraph of one of the most prominent Darwinists(Richard Dawkins) in an article in the most recent issue(November, 2005) of “Natural History”:
“In any developing science there are disagreements. But scientists-and here is what separates real scientists from the pseudoscientists of the school of intellligent design-always know what evidence it would take to change their minds. One thing all real scientists agree upon is the fact of evolution itself. It is a fact that we are cousins of gorillas, kangaroos, starfish, and bacteria. Evolution is as much a fact as the heat of the sun. It is not a theory, and for pity’s sake, let’s stop confusing the philosophically naive by calling it so. Evolution is a fact.”
Evolution is a fact because Dawkins says so and you are not a real scientist and are philosophically naive if you believe anything else. So there.
Indeed, another portion of the article questions the existence of a creator. And he talks about all kinds of evidence for evolution but provides none.
Indoctrination. But, thankfully, it looks like the indoctrinators are getting very testy and defensive.